Drink Your Port While You Can

My memory is good in almost exact proportion to the uselessness of the information I call upon it to memorize. Why this should be, I do not know; perhaps it is an unconscious rejection of utilitarianism as a guiding principle of life. In like fashion, I have spent a considerable proportion of my allotted time reading about current events over ...

Taki’s Top Drawer


Trade Is Evil?

Leaders of both parties agree: We must reduce globalization. "China is ripping us on trade," says Donald Trump. Our trade deficit is "an ...

Francis Scott Key Bridge

Like a Bridge Over Maxine Waters

I don’t think I could have chosen a better or more appropriate metaphor for the abject disastrous state that this nation finds itself mired in than ...

Omali Yeshitela

Tucker the Spear Chucker

Race sentimentalism is a favorite topic of mine. Having attended majority-black L.A. public schools in the 1980s, and having lived the best years of ...

The Week That Perished

Cultural Caviar


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