June 23, 2017

Source: Bigstock

Well, in time I came to do that, but I still don”€™t know how or, really, why. For me the best image is of a journey in which you come to a fork in the road. You know if you go one way things will continue as they are, and this, though it has its attraction still, is also alarming. If you take the other path you have the possibility of a better life. At first it may be a duller gray one with fewer moments of exhilaration as well as moments of despair and horror. So you take that fork in the road, and the first part of the journey is difficult because temptation presents itself often. It requires”€”whatever they say”€”repeated acts of will to stay on the path of sobriety. But in time it becomes a habit, and then you realize that that is what drinking was too, just a habit that you can shake off. So alcoholism comes to seem not an illness, but just a bad habit, a foolish habit, with nothing dramatic or heroic about it.


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