April 06, 2012
Race hustlers and busybodies welcomed the decision. One Sabrina Goldman connected Gaultier’s comments with anti-Semitism, which is a bit of a stretch, but what the hell? When I wrote badly of the New York Puerto Rican Day Parade, the Hispanics cried foul, certain Jewish activists screamed the Nazis are coming, and Rudy Giuliani tried to deport me. Soon after, the Taki Curse landed on “America’s Mayor,” as he was then known. He broke up with his wife, began to cross-dress, and fell out with his only son, apparently as dysfunctional a human being as his old man. The great prosecutor-mayor-combover also failed to do his homework. Not even Uncle Sam can deport American citizens, except, of course, if they’re falsely accused of being Ivan the Terrible and are immediately stripped of their citizenship and dispatched to Israel and eventually Germany.
So what is my point? Easy. As Mark Steyn said:
Restive European Muslims and unlimited Saudi money can put pressure on American publishers, institutions, and media that will eventually render the First Amendment moot.
But it is we, the white, Christian majority who are giving in to this outrage. We are too scared to tell them to go to hell, too chicken to fight for our freedom of speech. The media are the worst, quaking in their boots in case they say something that might get the race hustlers hustling. Ninety-eight percent of those reading this will agree with it, but it is the two percent that disagree that will make their opinions count by denouncing the greatest Greek freedom fighter since Leonidas of Sparta as a racist, anti-Semitic Nazi.
Speaking of human rights and the hustlers who use them to promote themselves: If you have any spare change do send it to the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation, AKA There’s an Idiot Schmuck Born Every Minute, so Bianca can continue to roam the globe getting her picture in the papers while posing with indigenous people. Studio 54 was long ago, but she’s still riding around the world on a white horse. Who said you can’t go home again? Actually it was Thomas Wolfe, but it’s la Jagger who needs to go back to some private room of some dive and sniff some happy dust rather than keep bugging us by posing for glamour shots next to some half-naked Indians of the Amazon.
Yes folks, like the idiotic George W. Bush would say, in Europe we empower the underachieving minority in order to subjugate the dominant majority. In America we demonize good presidents such as Coolidge and Pierce while lionizing war-maniac criminals such as Wilson and FDR. Since the 1960s we’ve tolerated, admired, and groveled before any unwashed protester. Let’s tell the world’s Saudi-funded busybodies that enough is enough. And let’s do something about it.