January 07, 2011

Well, I don”€™t know exactly what it is, but I know the EDL is phobic about something. They claim to fear an ominous trend among young Muslims to embrace archaic fundamentalism and replace assimilation with domination. How ludicrous. Outside of the Pakistanis who drove flaming cars into Glasgow Airport, there’s only been the one successful attack on British soil since 9-11, and that only killed 52 people. Is that so bad? The average British Muslim lifestyle has nothing to do with murder, especially when you don”€™t count the 100 or so recent suspected honor killings in their community. Leave these poor, peaceful immigrants alone!

The EDL says Islamist spokesman Anjem Choudary personifies their beef with Muslim extremism, but all he’s ever asked is that England switch to Sharia law and they “€œfly the flag of Allah above 10 Downing Street.”€ OK, I guess that is a bit rich, but there’s no such thing as the flag of Allah, so that’s never going to happen.

Overall, Islam is a religion of peace. Very few Muslims want anything to do with terrorism. Only about a third of British Muslim students think it’s OK to kill in Islam’s name. In the UK, only 13% of all Muslims support the occasional suicide bomb. They have a mere 2.4 million Muslims there (the total rose only a modest 30% in four years), so that’s only 310,000 people. Actually, wait a minute, that’s close to twice Luton’s entire population. Oh, and check this out: 81% of UK Muslims between 18 and 24 see themselves as Muslim first and British second. They might even stab you in the neck with a broken bottle if you refuse to tolerate and embrace them.

Anyway, never mind all that. What about all those pictures angry Muslims and the UAF disseminated that show EDL people Sieg Heiling? The organization may make a public display of trying to thwart these types, but if they attract fascists, they are fascist, right? I mean, if it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck, it’s a”€”

“€”I just thought of something. All cats are mammals and all dogs are mammals, but I”€™m pretty sure cats are not dogs. Guilt by association can get pretty flimsy. Hitler used toilet paper. Does that mean I have to start wiping my ass with my left hand? Attracting a certain type doesn”€™t mean you choose to affiliate with that type. Dance clubs still attract plenty of drug dealers, despite all their signs banning drugs and all the bouncers they pay to kick out drug users. Does that mean clubs are pro-drug, even though they”€™d lose their license and ergo their entire business? Do they secretly love drugs? It’s hard to say yes, but I”€™m willing to try.

I”€™m sorry for being all over the place here, but I was told this EDL thing would be pretty cut-and-dried. Every time I think I”€™ve nailed them, they pull out the nails. Insisting that a few white extremists discredit an entire organization mirrors what leftists are always saying about how “€œIslamophobes”€ allow a few extremists to falsely discredit a whole religion. It’s an old tactic attributed to Soviet communists:

“€œWhen obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi or anti-Semitic….The association will, after enough repetition, become “€˜fact”€™ in the public mind.”€

I”€™m trying, but it’s a lot harder than it looks.

At any rate, the important thing is that the EDL are racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, xenophobic, fascist, nationalist homophobes, so let’s leave it at that.



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