June 01, 2015

Source: Shutterstock

If one were to discard the popular narrative”€”an emotion-charged and childishly naive fable which dictates that Africans were peaceful yam-tilling communitarians who were overrun by bloodthirsty and malicious Europeans driven to acts of hatred by the fact that they sunburn easily”€”in favor of the idea that perhaps it was easier for Europeans to conquer Africa instead of the inverse because the Europeans were far more technologically advanced than the long-suffering tribes south of the Sahara, one is deemed to be not a dissenter, but a witch.

Despite their loud animus for traditional religion, modern progressive thinking is almost entirely based on feeling and superstition. It is concerned entirely with what is right and wrong, not what is true and false.

If they want to simply play make-believe and let their feelings drive them around the world like altruistic tourists puttering around on dented motor scooters as they selflessly help the locals rebuild their mud huts after the latest monsoon, I would not stand in their way. Let them flit from spot to spot pretending their token acts of charity will make a difference in the long run. But it’s their smug self-assurance that they are the most intelligent, logical, and enlightened species ever to roam the planet that makes me wish that a highly selective meteor shower would wipe them all out.

What sort of person besides a brainwashed and gelded neo-monk would survey a string of unparalleled historical successes and conclude that it was all achieved solely through evil rather than ability? What sort of person who claims to believe in evolution would deny its fundamental role in shaping human history?

The answer, quite simply, is someone who views their own evolutionary demise as a good thing”€”not a scientific inevitability, but rather a moral imperative. And again, I will not stand in the way of their demise. However similar we may be genetically, I consider them another species entirely.


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