September 03, 2015

Source: Shutterstock

Democrats would love nothing more than to keep throwing 18-year-olds into the progressive crash course known as college. Republicans should think twice about encouraging university for all. In a few short years, the campus atmosphere has been transformed from a place of inquiry to a place of extreme coddling. The garbage kids fill their heads with at university is translating to a poor social life postgraduation. Young adults today are less likely to marry, attend church, have a job, or participate in civic life.

These are not the kind of people the GOP should empower.

College should be about broadening horizons, challenging preconceptions, and turning young people into responsible adults. Instead of sitting around tending to fragile egos, students should go out and experience how the real world operates. Working in a low-wage job should be a college requirement, not watching a videotape on feminist struggles in the 21st century. Controversial positions should be explored, not shunned. Most important, students should learn that not everyone has the same views as them, which is perfectly okay in a free society.

University isn”€™t going to change overnight. It will require a forced recalibration in the form of a change in mindset. We must relearn that college isn”€™t a universal good. It should be reserved for those who want to learn how to think”€”not just what to think. Instead of pumping more cogs into the corrupt machine, Republicans should take a step back.


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