December 15, 2016

Source: Bigstock

Many other comedians and bloggers and weak millennials contributed to the show’s demise, including Tim Heidecker, who encouraged his fans to contact advertisers. That’s what drives me nuts about this. These guys all do very controversial comedy. If we start policing it, they”€™ll be next. It’s one thing to see religious puritans destroy art, but when the artists start doing it to each other, it’s macabre. The thought police don”€™t even have to show up to work. We”€™re policing ourselves. Even the bands featured on the show have “€œdisavowed”€ their association. Again, nobody has brought up what sketch they have a problem with. They”€™re not asked to prove anything. Once you”€™re a heretic, you”€™re done.

Liberal beta males tell the outraged few we are being crybabies and we have to accept the way the free market behaves. World Peace had higher ratings than the first season of The Eric Andre Show. I”€™ve heard the only show that beat it was Family Guy. Mike Lazzo had asked for another 100 episodes and the guys had begun creating them. That’s the free market. Harassing Turner executives until they demand Lazzo make the problem go away is not. If your ex-girlfriend comes storming into your office and trashes the place every day until you get fired, the guy who fires you isn”€™t reacting to the market. He’s reacting to the crazy bitch.

This is why the First Amendment is just as relevant in Britain and Canada as it is here. If the people”€”the culture”€”don”€™t want free speech, the law isn”€™t worth the paper it’s printed on. In Canada and Britain it’s illegal to commit thought crimes. You will be bankrupted if you say something that offends the liberal narrative. In America it is perfectly legal to say whatever you want. The government won”€™t punish you, the people will. They”€™ll call your boss until you get fired. The end result is the same in both cases. I don”€™t care who’s doing the goose-stepping or who is carrying the truncheons. I hate Nazis. Today, the Nazis are the ones calling us Nazis.


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