October 31, 2024
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the main American media includes many homely, bitter, left-leaning women and numerous bald, left-wing, and equally unattractive men. No wonder, then, that Kamala is the media’s favorite and Trump is referred to as Hitler and, in the words of a Quasimodo type, one Adam Gopnik, “a vile and malignant actor.”
Another universally acknowledged truth is that the main media in America, in lockstep with the entertainment industry, does not object to its left-wing agenda. Network executives, newspaper editors, publishers—whose core job is deciding which stories get told and which do not—have decided that everything Trump does or says is vile, and everything Kamala says or does is not. In fact, the media has dedicated itself to destroying Trump, with Anne Applebaum (an old friend) calling the Donald “Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini.” Better yet, CBS trimmed and favorably edited Kamala’s answers on 60 Minutes, making her sound and look like a female Demosthenes rather than the inarticulate blowhard that she is in reality. The New York Times, needless to say, has its new Hitler to attack daily, and manages to sling mud at “bombastic billionaires” even in stories that have nothing to do with politics or the Donald. A recent book, a real hatchet job by two drippy Times gasbags about the Donald, was joyously reviewed—surprise, surprise—and an unwatchable movie, ditto.
I am writing this column five days before the election, an election that I cannot see Trump winning as long as the media, Hollywood, Big Tech, and even parts of Wall Street are stacked up against him. For years I’ve watched the networks slant their reporting to straight-up propaganda, and now it has grown to sheer deceit. This corrupt media/Democratic Party alliance is a scandal, but no one seems to be doing anything about it. Talk about a biased system. And never have I seen this country more split, with Kamala’s diphthongs that resemble those of a customer complaint robot making headway into Donald’s camp via intelligently placed ads: Pro football is now the American pastime, having replaced baseball, and Kamala’s ads before each quarter reach tens of millions of possible Trump voters announcing the end of any welfare insurances and social security in case of his victory. It’s all lies, of course, but our so-called independent media are not about to denounce it.
The media has clearly chosen to become a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories galore. Just for starters, there are more than 10 million men, women, and children who have illegally made it to these shores since the Biden-Harris duo came into power in 2021, yet Kamala, a border tsar with a broken border, is not held to account, and no Times or Washington Post or network phony has made a fuss about her biggest lies of all. These are people who call themselves journalists but are nothing but activist hypocrites, and I apologize to activists and hypocrites who are not posing as journalists.
There are thousands of migrants from Mauritania flooding into a small Ohio town, with the federal government doing zilch about it, and thousands of illegal Haitians turning an Indiana town into a hellhole, yet it’s Trump the fascist who’s occupying our Fourth Estate at the moment. Almost one million illegal migrants have been given quiet amnesty under Biden-Kamala and can remain in the country without the possibility of deportation. Add to those 10 million illegal migrants in our country since the duo of Joe and Kamala came to power, and you’ll be excused if you reach for your gun.
So, what will happen five days from now? America will go to the polls, and the major networks will do their damnedest to claim irregularities and cheating if the Donald lucks out, and dismiss any irregularities if Kamala wins the top prize. I don’t know why, but this election reminds me so much of the run-up to the Iraq war twenty years ago. William Buckley, who was responsible for my start as a journalist and a very close friend, was pro-war and disappointed in me for not only being against the war in my various columns but also starting a magazine in order to protest it. Yet later on, when I visited Bill in Connecticut, he told me in no uncertain terms that he had been taken in by the neocons and their lies. He was neither the first nor the last to be taken in by what in reality are unpaid Israeli agents.
Well, I cannot get myself to write anything against Bill, but he certainly should have known better. The same applies to American voters. If you listen to the media and to Hollywood scum, you will live to regret it. Perhaps I’m overstating the influence of the media on voters, but movies and podcasts and television play a very big part in how Americans think. Just look at the Menendez case, with two brothers who murdered their parents and are serving life without parole about to be freed because of a Netflix series. (And even if the father did molest them, which I doubt, what about their mother? Murdered in cold blood.)
I obviously hope I’m wrong, and that the Donald wins, but the pestilence of wokeism and the media’s left-wing shift have sickened more souls than Covid did, hence I fear the worst.