May 10, 2018
Source: Bigstock
The other 1993 World Trade Center bomber who was in this country because of the farm worker amnesty was Mohammed Salameh. He’d come to the U.S. on a tourist visa at age 19 in 1988. He was poor and had no skills, but someone at the U.S. consulate in Jordan “took a chance” on Mohammed.
Despite arriving two years after the time to qualify had already expired, he applied for an agricultural amnesty.
Luckily for Mohammed, merely submitting an application for amnesty prevented the applicant from being deported. For three years, our government puzzled over whether someone who arrived in the U.S. in 1988 could have worked on an American farm prior to May 1, 1986.
After Mohammed was finally denied amnesty as a farm worker, he applied for a general amnesty, abruptly forgetting his life behind a plow and mule and claiming he had lived continuously in the United States from 1982 to 1986, despite—again—having arrived in 1988. The government was still working on that brain-teaser when he bombed the World Trade Centre.
One more rule to live by: When you come from out of nowhere to beat 16 more experienced candidates as well as the most qualified woman even to run for president by promising to keep us out of Middle Eastern wars and to put America first, what the voters are trying to tell you is that they want to stay out of the Middle East and put America first.
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