March 25, 2017

Source: Bigstock

It is now called a “tragic mistake” by those of us not taken in by neocon propaganda, the NATO expansion into the former Soviet bloc. And there was bound to be an authoritarian backlash in Russia as a result. Not to mention the monstrously corrupt privatization that a drunken Yeltsin agreed upon. (Chelsea fans and other beneficiaries in London and New York should put up a statue of the drunk. Swiss and Bahamas bankers pray for him daily.)

And now we come back to Trump and Putin and the fact that the media cannot simply accept that its dominance is finished and the Trump regime wishes to dismantle it. Needless to say, they are resisting, and the best way they can do it is by linking The Donald to Vlad. But take it from Taki—anything that comes up will be fake news, planted by those with hysterical oppositionalism to Trump and disregard for the truth.

The deepest challenges facing America and the West do not come from Russia and Putin. Anti-Russian epithets are a cover for the class warfare taking place in the West. It is not an economic warfare but a moral one, and one that needs Christian understanding and Christian wisdom and love. I know, it sounds corny, but there you have it. There is a moral exploitation of the people disguised as their liberation. If Putin is seen as a dictator by the West, what are we to call the unelected oligarchs of the E.U.? Watch RT and compare.


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