August 01, 2017

Source: Bigstock

Trannies need us to play along or else the entire illusion comes crashing down. Think of “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” but with a psychologically fragile monarch and a kingdom full of subjects afraid that if they speak the truth, the emperor will fall to depression and kill himself. Viewed that way, the honest little boy at the story’s end is the villain.

I have no idea how many trans people live in the U.S. The “official” tally by LGBT demographer Gary Gates is 700,000 (roughly 0.21 of the population). But is that figure reliable? Following Trump’s “tranny banny,” the LGBT advocacy organization Human Rights Campaign (HRC) declared that there are “15,500 actively serving transgender members of the U.S. Military.” That figure was repeated unquestioningly by the mainstream press. But where did the HRC get that figure? The HRC credits something called the Palm Center, which in turn passes the buck to something called the Williams Institute. And how did the Williams Institute get that figure? An online survey. And we all know how reliable and hard-to-skew those are, right?

The figure of 700,000 U.S. trannies may be way too large, but for the sake of argument, let’s say that it’s accurate. Is that a big enough number to warrant the radical reconstruction of speech, thought, and behavior? I return to my anti-government libertarian analogy. When the overwhelming number of people in a country are cool with having some form of government, what’s the smarter move for someone who wants to live government-free drinking rainwater and bartering livestock? Continually trying (and failing) to change the behavior and desires of hundreds of millions of people? Or saying, “To hell with the crowd, screw ’em for not seeing things as I do,” and going off on your own to live the way you want to live?

Sorry, trannies, but you can’t make your mental health dependent on everyone else seeing you as you see yourself. Too many of us are never gonna play along. You’ll have better luck, and a lot less “dysphoria,” by learning to say, “To hell with what others see.” Surround yourself with a circle of friends and family who happily want to share your illusion, and forget about what the rest of us think.

So tranny forth, and have a great life…just leave me the hell out of it.


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