May 17, 2011

Jim assumes this state of affairs cannot last: “€œSooner rather than later, the egalitarian left’s unapologetic bullies will be forced to deal with the big white monster they”€™ve helped create.”€ I find no compelling reason to believe this. While I do accept Jim’s and Jared’s counter-narrative, I doubt the situation will correct itself”€”and most definitely not in the foreseeable future. Most indicators here, in Canada, and in Western Europe suggest that multicultural views are doing swimmingly. The growth in support for the antinational, pro-immigration Greens in Germany, the New Democrats in Canada, and other culturally leftist (and not merely economically redistributionist) parties in Western countries indicates that the cultural left is continuing to make strides. The fact that these parties have not generated proportionate (and in countries such as Germany, even minimally significant) backlashes suggests that the right may be doomed. One can also cite the depressing example of the GOP, which as this country’s established “€œconservative”€ party cringes and crawls before minorities. Which American party stands for the white counterinsurgency? Certainly it is not the party of John McCain and George W. Bush, which apologizes fitfully to blacks for slavery and segregation without picking up any black votes as a result.

Barring a disaster, the cultural-social left has all the wind in its sails and is likely to keep it there. The establishment controls all effective resources here and in most of Western Europe; whatever may be taking place, it is not Jared or Jim who gets to interpret it for hundreds of millions. Equally important, the vast majority of people in today’s Western world are living well. Whether or not this is the work of their governments is another question, but no matter! Well-fed plebs who spend their lives watching sports contests and reciting PC gibberish are not likely to become counterrevolutionaries. Finally, human beings are conditioned to follow those in authority, particularly if that authority is not under noticeable attack. And the non-aligned right neither here nor in Western Europe is in any position to launch a thunderous counteroffensive. If they did, the faux right would crush them even before the establishment left got into the battle.

Even if certain minorities get more violent, that still might not bring about major political or cultural change. Both the liberal and neoconservative media would spin the story of racial unrest in such a way that the violence would cease appearing to be a problem. It would be underplayed, blamed on white bigots, or ascribed by “€œconservatives”€ to a lack of charter schools and an insufficient regard for Martin Luther King’s teachings. What happened six years ago, when rioting North Africans in France assaulted French citizens and burned property, is instructive. The voters took it out on the rioters by voting for Nicolas Sarkozy’s neoconservative-lite coalition, which once in power introduced “€œpositive discrimination“€ for the offended minorities. The minority population that Jared speaks about should be sufficiently large by the end of the twenty-first century, and possibly even before, to take over this country politically. Violence thereafter might continue to erupt, but it would be increasingly among the minorities that replace the former white majority.

Significantly, the white solidarity that Jared advocates has never really developed in Western history outside of colonial settlements and in the American South. Whites in the past did think that they were socially better developed than blacks, but this has rarely produced white cohesion in the face of other races. Typically, whites have hated each other far more than they have disliked other groups. The French in both World Wars were delighted to enlist Senegalese to fight against the hated Boche, and the Northern European ruling class in World War I was happy to recruit blacks to kill their German cousins. The other side did the same, when German commanders in Tanganyika and the Cameroons used black tribes to kill British soldiers. Jews and Irish Catholics in the US make common cause with nonwhite allies in the Democratic Party against the predominantly white Protestant Republicans. These people do not seem at all uncomfortable about lining up with non-Caucasoid Democrats against their fellow whites.

Jared Taylor never intimates that whites or Euro-Americans will take back anything or even begin to overcome their collective racial self-loathing. He wrote his book to warn about what is happening and what will continue to happen if those to whom the book is addressed don”€™t get their heads screwed on right. Never does he predict a cure for the disease being diagnosed. Jared avoids what the late Sam Francis used to mock with considerable justification as “€œhappy talk.”€



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