February 23, 2017
Source: Bigstock
The third factor at play here is a civil war that’s been going on among the right for several years. The geriatric paleocons at CPAC were dying to cancel Milo the second after it was announced he would speak. This conference isn”t exactly a place where the right come together harmoniously. It’s a place where old conservatives sneer at the new right. Lisa dePasquale discovered this back in 2010 after running the conference for a few years. Instead of having a few booths pay $20-$100k she would have 150 booths pay $5k. This was much more democratic and brought gay conservatives such as GoProud and Log Cabin Republicans. The old guard don”t like this infiltration because they have never gotten over gay marriage. I understand their reluctance. In many ways gay marriage is a lie that is being used to turn Catholicism into an immoral religion that goes against society’s laws. However, the war on homosexuality has been lost. The right needs to move on if it is ever to get a median demographic under 70. Liberals have never been stupider and less organized. It’s a great time to be on the right. Clinging to the past and banning the likes of Milo is a death knell. If Fox News has him on their shows, they have a future. If they don”t, they don”t.
To even imply that 13-year-olds are capable of consensual sex in any capacity is a mistake, and it’s an error Milo has apologized for, but his enemies won”t forgive him because this isn”t about the truth. For the left, crucifying Milo is about revenge for making the right cool. For the right, it’s about revenge for making homosexuality acceptable. The media is on both sides of this enemy line and they are experts at avoiding the truth. Milo got a get -out-of-jail free card for being a gay Jewish Catholic immigrant with a black fetish. He could say anything he wanted until he got too honest. We don”t counter errors with opposing arguments in this culture because we”re not about getting answers. We”re about winning. I like winning as much as the next guy but where lies may win battles, the truth will ultimately win the war.