June 04, 2018
Roseanne Barr
Source: Wikimedia Commons
It is both sad and funny that Goff and three associates have conducted a grand total of six allegedly scholarly studies trying to get to the root of why people—and not only white people, their results show it’s across the racial rainbow—compare black people to apes. The results also show that no matter how politically progressive a person is, they still see similarities between black people and apes.
The report on the group’s six studies contains several standout lines, including:
Just as exposure to Black faces may lead people to think about apes…exposure to apes may lead people to think about Blacks.
As always, no one seems to care about how apes feel about being compared to black people.
The report also includes some highly anti-intellectual rhetoric about our “shameful” past and how racism is awful. It also notes that even though African jungle cats are more historically violent than African apes, people in our racist nation still would rather compare blacks to apes. Do these “scholars” not realize that this might have less to do with racism and more to do with the fact that lions aren’t two-legged primates?
It all comes down to a chicken-or-ape question. Which came first—the observation of blacks of the stereotype about them looking like apes? Obviously, it was the observation. Goff himself admits this.
But he, and so many in our society, seem steadfastly unwilling to admit that maybe black people look more like monkeys than other races do.
I don’t even agree with this point. To me, it’s always been obvious that the Vietnamese are the ones who look like monkeys.
But it’s obvious why there was such an explosion of emotional diarrhea regarding Roseanne’s tweet—the implication is that blacks may be lower on the evolutionary chain than whites, and the Gospel of Equality simply won’t allow such notions. Even pondering this idea is forbidden to the very same fools who make a huge point of rubbing our noses in the idea that Africa is the cradle of civilization and that all living humans descended from Africans.
Uh, they really might want to rethink that. If they were the originals, that implies they are the least evolved…which implies they’re closest to the apes.
I believe that Darwin was right, which means I believe there is no possible way that we all evolved equally. Why is it so hard to concede that we are all gorillas, although some may be more gorilla than others? We will never move forward as a society until we acknowledge the billions of apes staring at us in the rearview mirror.
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