February 02, 2015
Source: Shutterstock
(And this woman who married a roller coaster surely looks enough like a man to count. “I”m not hurting anyone and I can”t help it,” she said of her sexual attraction to the “1001 Nachts” gondola ride. “It’s a part of who I am,” and so forth. Naturally our bride-groom”come to think of it, she is about the size of two people”complained that she “faces discrimination from employers,” which, these days, is a bit like moaning that you”ve won the Irish Sweepstakes.)
But otherwise, women are the ones behind these dubious nuptials. Not to mention in front of them. Note that when it comes to the recent news story about a daughter marrying her father, it’s the former who is happily hogging the spotlight.
The female of the species will marry anything that moves (remember the dolphin’s bride, now widowed?) and even stuff that doesn”t. Take former soldier Erika LaBrie, who married a giant French erection and then changed her name to Erika La Tour Eiffel.
Alas, after only seven years of wedded (welded?) bliss, the world-class archer dumped the Eiffel Tower and rushed back into the nonexistent arms of her ex-lover, What’s-Left-of-the-Berlin-Wall.
And nice timing, too: right after the Charlie Hebdo massacre. What a bitch.