July 24, 2012

Enriquez also got one thing wrong. He calls video gaming”€”specifically the MMORPGs that bring hundreds of players together online”€”a “€œwonderful place where people go to scream racist and sexist epithets at each other without being shouted down by recent college grads with feminist blogs.”€

Yeah, about that…

Having already more or less ruined strip clubs, culinary institutes, and the United States Navy, the chicks just heard about the “€œNO GIRLS ALLOWED”€ video-game tree house. And they”€™re telling.

Female-run geek-friendly sites are currently buzzing about “€œAll-Too-Familiar Harassment…And What the Gaming Community Can Do About It.”€

In case the words “€œharassment”€ and “€œcommunity”€ didn”€™t tip you off, these female gamers demand an end to the abuse they”€™re subjected to online.

We”€™re told a woman working on a project entitled “€œTropes vs. Women in Video Games”€ has been “€œflooded with thousands of hateful comments”€:

[S]he was called a bitch, a whore, a slut, a cunt, a dyke, and a baffling assortment of racial slurs. She was threatened with violence, rape, and death. She was told to shut her mouth, get back in the kitchen, and die of cancer….All for the crime of being a woman talking about women in video games.

Similar incidents targeting other female gamers and “€œgeeks”€ are presented as further evidence of discrimination.

These girls have memorized all the right words such as “€œbullying”€ and “€œconsensus.”€ What they didn”€™t learn in college was how unrealistic it is to assume that men won”€™t respond poorly when females invade an all-male outpost. (Hell, I still loathe Shannon Faulkner.)

Western Civilization’s “€œremnant”€ turns out to be millions of males in swim shorts who are afflicted with carpal tunnel syndrome, pasty complexions, and a panda-like aversion to having sex, hunkered down in “€œbunkers”€ littered with pizza boxes and empty Red Bull cans.

How much longer can male gamers keep the PC police at bay? All their firepower and “€œhealth packs“€ are, after all, just pretend.

We”€™re often told that “€œyou can only go to war with the army you have.”€ As long as that war takes place entirely in cyberspace, then we might be OK. Even then, I doubt it.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock


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