July 31, 2013
Dubai, UAE
Source: Shuttertsock
What the 380 million Arabs need are property rights, not the right to cast a useless ballot every four or so years. If America and Europe insisted on only this, it would make millions of Arabs who hate us today love us overnight. Instead we have two medieval autocracies directing the agenda and competing with each other over who will pay terrorists more to overthrow Assad as long as they stay away from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, two of the greatest humanitarian, social, and cultural disasters to befall this Earth. These so-called monarchies are poison. They behead 14-year-olds for stealing”ditto for Filipino female servants who get raped”and are enabling hardcore Islamists to cause havoc all over the Middle East as long as they stay away from their sandy hellholes. In the meantime, Western leaders continue chanting democracy’s mantra with breathtaking naiveté. They are aided and abetted by the media, especially the grotesque New York Times, whose reporters at times seem to be on the terrorists” side, openly rooting against the only man to safeguard Christians’ rights in the region, President Assad.
Islamists have awakened to the fact that the West is weak and easy to buy off. Islamists do not accept the existence of objective facts, only their version of them. Their only goal is worldwide Sharia law. (Morsi appointed the mass murderer of innocent tourists in Luxor as governor of the province.)
Every Muslim country we get involved with militarily only makes more recruits for the extremists. The weapons we send to the so-called Syrian Free Army end up with those nice fellows who eat hearts out of dead Assad soldiers for the cameras. Assad is the only leader to protect minorities, yet the Western media has turned him into a Hitler-like figure that has to be extinguished.
In the meantime, Israel is building more settlements in Palestine. Go figure.