August 12, 2024
Source: Bigstock
“White riot—I wanna riot—white riot—a riot of my own!” So sang U.K. punk rockers the Clash in their 1977 debut single, “White Riot.” Well, now Britain has numerous white riots of its own, all across the country, following the recent mass stabbing of little girls at a dance class in the seaside town of Southport on 29 July, the named suspect for which is a supposed “Welshman” of black Rwandan parentage.
According to the Clash, who, surprisingly for people involved in the popular entertainment industry, were actually hard-leftists, their song wasn’t advocating for white-led anti-immigrant race riots at all: To prove it, the sleeve cover even had a photograph by someone called Caroline Coon. In fact, it was a call for the State-neglected white working classes of England to imitate their black peers, who had just rioted in London’s Notting Hill district in 1976, and engage in acts of noble civil resistance against perceived ills like poverty, police brutality, and just generally being treated with overt contempt by the ruling class. As the lyrics went:
Black man got a lotta problems
But they don’t mind throwin’ a brick
White people go to school
Where they teach you how to be thick
The specific way schools teach white kids “how to be thick” is by grooming them into supinely obeying the laws set up by their parliamentary overlords to keep them in their place. The message is clear: By ignoring these same laws and rioting, non-whites often seem to get exactly what they want these days, with apparent impunity. So wouldn’t it be perfectly rational for native white folk to do the same, as the Clash once advised? Not necessarily…
When in Leeds, Do as the Roma Do
In July, Romanians in the Midlands city of Leeds torched vehicles and rampaged through streets after social services had come to take four kids away from a local Roma gypsy family, something they viewed as a form of racial persecution: Traditionally, it’s gypsies who are supposed to steal white people’s children, not the other way around. One female Romanian resident told journalists the following, the first sentence of which sounds like an open threat:
“The Romanians will do this again. We all took to the streets because the family are desperate. This is a typical Romanian response [i.e., mass criminal violence], we are just fighting for each other. This would not happen to an English family. This is happening because we are Romanian. This feels like racism. This does not happen in Romania.”
Get back in your caravan and go back to Romania, then. But wait, there’s no need! Because another thing that also probably “does not happen in Romania” was that, once confronted by the fact that it was sainted foreigners mutinying and demanding their own way in everything, the spineless domestic authorities immediately capitulated. In a statement, Leeds City Council groveled that:
The council has agreed to undertake an urgent review of the case and work with Romanian and Roma-led organisations, the churches, and the Honorary Consulate of Romania and other family representatives for the best interests of the family and wider Roma community…. The Romanian and Roma community have played a fantastic role in the community and have contributed much to the diversity and richness of the Harehills [area of Leeds]. We want this work to continue, and develop further work that makes Harehills an even better place to work and live.
The best way to achieve that final particular aim might just be to deport all the Romanians.
One Law for Them…
Well, clearly rioting works, then, especially when it is performed in the name of a higher moral cause. After all, the brave Roma of Leeds were only trying to protect their beloved and under-threat children from harm, weren’t they? So, when white kids got stabbed by a black suspect in Southport, surely it was only logical for white Brits to take to the streets and get their demands for mass deportations of non-whites immediately agreed to by those in charge? Sadly not.
Sir Keir Starmer, Britain’s new left-wing Labour Party PM, made a special speech to the nation (he made no such address following the riots in Leeds) openly accusing all white rioters of being actual literal Nazis. Then, without a hint of irony or self-awareness, he warned he was about to bring in various new gestapo-style measures like facial recognition at train stations to prevent such “far-right thugs” from traveling up and down the country defending their threatened youth like the Roma did. The fact that many such supposed “Nazis” were actually just concerned local people, and even small children, who lived within easy walking or driving distance of the immigrant-flooded, riot-affected areas, appeared lost upon him.
It has been obvious such violence has been coming for some time now—obvious to everyone, that is, except the blind men who actually rule us. Sensible commentators like Reform Party leader Nigel Farage have been warning, Cassandra-like, not only about the inevitable negative consequences of mass immigration, but also about the dangers of visibly racially motivated two-tier policing in the U.K., for some time now.
Consider the curious story of Tola Munro, a senior black police officer and former President of the National Black Police Association, which emerged—to contrastingly little media fanfare—during the week of the riots. Despite having a proud prior record in “helping tackle violence against women and girls,” Munro had just been found by a police disciplinary panel to have violently assaulted and punched two women (presumably white?) following a “heated discussion” about Meghan Markle and race. He claimed he had acted thus in self-defense. Words are violence these days, after all—unlike actual violence, evidently.
Although sacked from his job, U.K. prosecutors in the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) strangely neglected to charge Munro with any actual criminal offenses in court. So, no prison for him, as I suppose that would be “racist.” If this had been a white police officer attacking some black women following a “racially charged conversation” about the late Queen, would the CPS have failed to act? Within such a blatantly biased legal environment, can you really blame white people for thinking they are subjected to two-tier policing?
Misreading the Riot Act
Scale such individual prosecution patterns up to the collective public sphere, and you end up with white rioters being condemned, and non-white ones being treated with kid gloves—but anyone who dares point this out is then tediously condemned as a Nazi. Neil “proud to be woke” Basu, a non-white former counterterror police head, condemned Nigel Farage’s honesty thus: “That is a Far-Right politician once again trying to direct policing and law and order. He doesn’t speak for tens of millions of people, the Prime Minister does—who has to serve the whole population, not just the ones he likes.”
But Keir Starmer does just serve those particular limited segments of the population he himself likes, doesn’t he? Imported immigrant Labour Party client voters like the Roma of Leeds, for example. And, despite continually billing himself as “the son of a toolmaker” (his dad may equally have described himself as “the maker of a tool”), one particular sector of the British population Sir Keir clearly does not like are the “Nazi” white working classes, who dare go around publicly objecting to his own ludicrous immigration policies.
As I have argued elsewhere, many of the recent white protesters were not fascists bused in from elsewhere by undercover squadrons of the Waffen-SS, but concerned locals sick to death of lofty pricks like Quisling Keir dumping thousands upon thousands of unwanted foreign dregs upon their hometowns, at a cost of £8m per day in asylum hotel accommodation alone, only to see some of the ungrateful bastards go around stabbing the natives, or getting whatever they want by rioting and trashing their colonized neighborhoods, as in Leeds.
And yet, now that such white untermenschen have finally dared to pugnaciously object likewise, they are not to be treated with compassion and understanding like the Roma or Tola Munro, but pilloried as examples. Ever since Labour came to power last month, they have been complaining that prisons are so perilously full that even violent criminals (many of them no doubt foreign ones) will now have to be released from them early. And yet, as the white riots began, Labour’s Shariah Justice Secretary, Shabana Mahmood, declared that, suddenly, there was now enough space to hold all arrested rioters in Britain’s jails after all! Well, the most dangerous kind of criminals are always political criminals, aren’t they? At least to elected politicians.
Doctor WTF?
Meanwhile, in one of the blackest (in more than one sense of the term) ironies I have ever heard, it now turns out the Rwandan-heritage suspect in the Southport stabbings, Axel Rudakubana, starred in an advert for the annual BBC charity telethon Children in Need back in 2018—very farsighted of him to begin raising money for the medical treatment of his future alleged victims six years in advance. Maybe he already knew what was going to happen? After all, he was acting as a Time Lord.
Then 11 years old, Axel was dressed up as the BBC’s leading sci-fi star Doctor Who…a role today played for real by Ncuti Gatwa, another Rwandan “Celt” living on these shores, having been raised in Scotland, to whence his family fled from their homeland’s then-ongoing genocide. When Gatwa became the first black homo ever to play the part of The Doctor, the bizarre alien being in question was lauded as a wonderful symbol of how multicultural diversity had improved the entire nation (if not the quality of the series itself, as I have lamented here).
Even here there are double standards. Whenever someone of immigrant stock does something we are all supposed to admire, like land a top TV role, the immigrant part of their background is relentlessly emphasized. Whenever anyone of immigrant stock appears to do something negative, however, like stabbing little white girls to death in Southport, the precise reverse occurs. When Axel Rudakubana was initially arrested, he was described by obfuscatory regional police only as being “born in Cardiff,” as if he was Tom Jones acting out the lyrics of “Delilah” for real. During later riots, rather than a Blutfahne, some marching English “Nazis” carried a banner mocking this misleading info, reading “Tom Jones is Welsh, Axel Rudakubana isn’t.”
We’re supposed to forget that alleged child-killers stupidly allowed into the country by people of Starmer’s open-borders ilk to wander in our midst are not really British, European, or Western at all. Positive foreign-background role models like popular TV stars, however, are to be treated exactly the opposite. In Ncuti Gatwa’s own, rather settler-colonialist, words:
“‘Doctor Who’ is a show that kind of reflects where Britain is at, in a way, because it’s so quintessentially British. It’s been on our screens for so long, it’s a bit of a mirror to where we are in society. And so I think [with my casting—and, inadvertently, that of Axel Rudakubana] it’s showing that we’re [black people] here, and we’re part of the cultural landscape. And we’re not going anywhere.”
Yes, I think that’s what all those actual British people were just rioting about.