September 06, 2012
The Scandinavians are even bigger pussies than the British. For example, read this from Sweden:
A Djiboutian who refused to be named in fear of reprisals from his fellow country men, said that he left Djibouti on May this year, and came to Sweden via France. There is no work in Djibouti, corruption is rampant, and its hard to put food on the table there, Life in Sweden is very easy and getting papers is more easier, you don’t even have to work to put food on the table, i [sic] advised all my friends and relatives to come here, most of them are on the way, five already arrived and sought asylum, two already managed to get Permanent residence permit (PUT)
Savor the lunacy there. Given the statistical profiles of sub-Saharan Africans”low averages for paternal investment and IQ, high ones for time preference and criminality“permitting settlement by thousands of Africans is a sensationally dumb idea. Africans from the Horn of Africa, though”Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti”are Africans squared, with societies even more dysfunctional than the African average, and sensational total fertility rates: 6.26, 5.39, 4.37, 2.63, respectively.
(Yes, Djibouti’s 2.63 is way better than Somalia’s 6.26, but the Djiboutians in that article I just quoted are entering Sweden under false pretenses, claiming to be Somalis, who are the people the Swedes REALLY want! Lunacy upon lunacy.)
The Russians”who, after all, are just Scandinavians in fur hats”are not much better. They may have jailed the Pussy Rioters, but their pussyish response to their capital city’s takeover by an alien mob a couple weeks ago unmasks their true Scandinavian pussiness.
Of civilized peoples in general, I think it’s only whites that are pussies, and perhaps only white Gentiles. I don’t know enough about South Asians to give a ruling, but East Asians are not pussies.
To be sure, the Japanese are pussier than their ferocious ancestors, but they don’t do collective guilt and are adamant that the wretched of the earth should stay in their own wretched countries and not infect Japan with their wretchedness by settling there en wretched masse.
China’s an interesting case. I speak here from forty years’ close acquaintance with that nation. What you mostly hear about in this context are the fierce nationalism and xenophobia of young Chinese men. That is certainly a key feature of modern Chinese society, and the Chinese today are not pussies.
Among my Chinese acquaintances, though”especially the women”I think I detect the stirrings of some sympathetic guilt about the occupied territories of Tibet and East Turkestan (“Xinjiang”) and about China’s quasi-imperialist adventures in Africa. If this guilt was to seep outwards into the society at large, aided perhaps by matriarchal tendencies in Chinese culture and history, the Chinese might conceivably join Western whites in pussitude.
And we white Americans? Are we the most pussified of all”the pussies of the world?
That’s a thought I don’t want to have. That way lies hard, irreversible ethnomasochism.
It’s a thought that keeps bobbing up to the surface, though, prompted by some news item or image; or out of the blue, as on the radio that time, too publicly for me to disown it.
I must discipline my mind.
Image of man in sand courtesy of Shutterstock