October 05, 2015

Source: Shutterstock

This is good news, guys.

There are murmurs of a burgeoning fourth wave, but I’ve yet to see any evidence for its existence beyond that fact that Twitter didn’t exist at the dawn of the third wave. Otherwise, it’s still the same bitches bitching about everything.

Christina Hoff Sommers sees feminism as coming in two distinct waves: “equity feminism,” which merely agitated for equal treatment under the law, and “gender feminism,” which is neo-folk religion depicting women as angels and men as devils.

I believe that feminism has successfully employed two strategies in succession:

1) Turn women into men;
2) Turn men into women.

Viewed thusly, feminism has been a roaring success on both counts.

But its tolerance of other “struggles” will prove to be its undoing. White women of the West who are “reclaiming” their bodies”€”i.e., not having kids”€”will be slaughtered demographically by the infusion of old-world patriarchal cultures that place a heavy emphasis on breeding.

Scandinavia is a sterling example of modern feminism taken to its logical extension: The men are cuckolded into shamed silence, which allows Muslim men to come in and rape the women.

In the end, feminism’s greatest achievement will be the restoration of the patriarchy.


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