August 11, 2015

Source: Shutterstock

Look: I don”€™t know whether or not Roosh really does “€œdehumanize women as an entire group”€ or offers “€œan easy guide to sexually abusing women.”€

I do know that when my friends and I raise the alarm about the far more numerous Muslim men who hold identical views (and worse) and who already reside in Canada, all these SJWs are suddenly AWOL and MIA (except for calling us hateful hate criminals and, yes, trying to get our speeches canceled).

Anyhow, the petition goes on:

As a nation we have already decided that hate speech has no place in Canada. Hate is hate, and it is physically dangerous. We must ensure that Roosh V and his following are not allowed to flourish in the dark corners of our society, for the same reasons that we do not allow white supremacy a legitimate place in Canada.

Taking those assertions one at a time:

Says you; huh?; patently false; if one is doing so in a “€œdark corner,”€ can one truly be said to be “€œflourishing”€?; and, finally, again: Says you.

Listen up, bitches: Not only did I not sign on to any of that bullshit either as a woman or a Canadian, but I stupidly allowed myself to believe”€”for one brief shining moment“€”that I”€™d helped toss your illogical, censorious, and fascist “€œprogressive”€ beliefs about “€œhate crimes”€ onto the scrap heap of Canadian history.

But wait, hang on: Here‘s Roosh celebrating what he calls (and certainly sounds like) a successful Montreal speech.

So why am I still so bummed?

Because these SJW broads and their beta-male enablers will simply shrug and take the battle here to Toronto on the 15th. And eventually, because the left always does, even if it takes them decades to do so, they”€™ll win the war.

If these women are “€œcrazy,”€ as the manosphere agrees, then it’s an intriguing new “€œdefinition of insanity”€: doing the same evil, stupid, tyrannical thing over and over again, and (eventually) getting fantastic results.

Results that the right can only envy while we”€™re force-fed #LoveWins and #BlackLivesMatter and other secondhand puke.


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