On June 24, NBC News prominently featured a story on its website headlined "White Americans Are Biggest Terror Threat in U.S.: Study." Clicking the link took readers to a site called GlobalPost, and an article that begins, "White Americans are the biggest terror threat in the United ...
The horrific mass shooting in a Charleston church is bringing out the best in all of us. I might be using the word "best" incorrectly. Left-wing pundits are blaming conservatives and white people in general. Conservatives are predictably tongue-tied and clumsy, longing for the days when ...
I had a mouthful of barbecue when the white South African calmly explained the proper way to dispose of a dead black man. The topic was disturbing enough, but the deadpan delivery, and my suspicion that he was speaking from experience, made it much, much worse. "You leave him to the lions," ...
Of all the contentious issues on the cultural and political scene today, the "draw Muhammad" controversy seems to bring out the most unsavory types, on all sides. It's like sitting through a sporting event in which your two least favorite teams are playing, with vendors hawking your least ...
We see it every day. Pick a news story, any news story, and it's guaranteed that some journalist will spin it to scream "racism." Look at the past few weeks. David Letterman's farewell? "Unbearably white." The National Spelling Bee? White racism has "cast a pall" over the ...
The NAACP's sole weapon is fear. The organization gets its way because many businesses and public figures live in fear of being slapped with the label "racist." But what, if anything, frightens the NAACP? No, it's not your conservative blog or podcast, so don"t flatter yourself. The ...
One of the saddest parts of growing old is the realization that some of the best and most incisive books you read in your youth have had damn near zero impact on the world. 1988's "That Noble Dream: The ‘Objectivity Question’ and the American Historical Profession" by Peter ...
It took me a while to understand why some of today's leading generals in the war to enforce politically correct speech and behavior codes are Latinas. Jewish organizations were the foundation-builders of PC nonsense, and white feminists and black activists have in many cases one-upped the founders ...
"Moving the goalposts" is a logical fallacy favored by those on the left who are constantly hectoring the rest of us about how we"re not making sufficient progress toward a particular "social justice," "economic justice," or environmental goal. Since the left must be in ...
The 2016 presidential primary season has kicked off with a veritable Rainbow Coalition of prospective candidates. Rubio and Cruz are all-in for the GOP, with Fiorina and Carson likely additions to the field. Add Hillary Clinton to the mix as the Democrat to beat, and perceptive observers can ...