Petra, Jordan

Jordan’s Influx of the Unwanted

Few Westerners could locate Jordan on a map. If they think about it at all, it likely concerns Queen Noor, the glamorous wife of former King Hussein. So why should anyone bother knowing anything about Jordan? First and foremost, Jordan has almost no petroleum. This may astound Westerners fed a ...

A Rebel Yell for the Colonel

Trayvon. Bernanke. The Colonel. America is buffeted by blustery winds of change these days, yet who among us would have thought even they could disquiet the solemnity of the buffet table? Recently it was announced that the venerable gentleman in the white suit and string tie would be phased out ...

The Gulag Peninsula

If caught reading the wrong book in the Soviet Union you weren’t interrogated, you were imprisoned. On many occasions people were simply murdered. Of course, there was usually a “trial” first. Comparing communist Russia and contemporary America is profoundly disturbing for those ...

Tahrir Square

The Arab Spring Turns to Summer

Roughly one year ago Mohamed Morsi won Egypt's presidential election. At the time there was jubilation and optimism. Finally, the head of state would represent the people.   It took twelve months to appreciate the caliber of the people chosen to govern. Gradually, then rapidly, new laws were ...

We the Citizens

An article of faith has many first drafts. We struggle to find a manner to say what must be said while saying it within the law. We know legal sanctioning of the illegal invasion cannot be permitted to occur. We know there is no benefit to Americans of any kind from being overrun by Mexicans. We ...

John McCain

Judas McCain

John McCain may be the most treasonous man who ever lived. McCain must contend with Hitler, the Marquis de Sade, Benedict Arnold, and others to claim this crown. But John surpasses them all. Some believe Hitler betrayed his people by leading them into conflicts they could not win. But at least ...

The Importance of Hatred

With all the deintellectualization, deindustrialization, and dehumanization in the news it's easy to become numb. A looming battle with Syria for no sane reason, surrender of America to invaders without any fight whatsoever, the apparent fact few people care that their corrupt government monitors ...

Weiner the Wanker

I despise Anthony Weiner, and not just because he is protected by pals at The New York Times. All one has to do is look at this hideous freak and suddenly all the world's lasciviousness seems brought into stark relief. But there are lessons to be learned from his errors. In any candid discussion ...

Unreality TV

Last week the television channel Animal Planet, which touts itself a primarily educational outlet, ran a program entitled Mermaids: The New Evidence. It featured several supposed experts, allegations of government cover-ups, and some of the worst CGI since Anaconda 3. About the only thing this ...

White Lies, Black Borders, and Red Lines

Every schoolchild is taught that the evil Germans invaded Poland in 1939 because they loved killing people (usually infants). This crippled account of history with hatred as its crutch continues throughout high school and university only to be mended, to the extent it ever is, in graduate school or ...