Faking Sincerity

Magill, R. Jay Jr. Sincerity: How a moral ideal born five hundred years ago inspired religious wars, modern art, hipster chic, and the curious notion that we all have something to say (no matter how dull). W. W. Norton & Co., 2013. 272 pp. $25.95 The word "€œsincere"€ first showed up in ...


I don't recall any of these fiascos leading to an uptick in the production of pink slips. That's not the government ...

A Harangue About Slang

Following up last week's rant about cant, kindly permit me a harangue about slang and the affliction of bad diction. Got that? Last week, the empty, insincere things we say; this week, the sloppy, lazy way we say them. My inspiration here is a news story from the ever-reliable Mail Online, October ...

Fads, Follies, Frauds, and Floccinaucinihili….

You can count me sympathetic to the Tea Party. I think they're a good ...

Earl of Chesterfield by William Hoare

A Whining Pretension to Goodness

I had to smile the other day on finding out about the "€œrepurposing"€ of a favorite quote. The quote is from Dr. Johnson, one of the most quotable men that ever lived. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations"€”the good 1955 edition, not the crappy later ones"€”gives Johnson 91/2 pages: not ...

Janet Yellin

Another Scary-Looking Janet

When Janet Reno's face came up on my TV I always had to restrain a powerful urge to dive behind the ...

Nathan Bedford Forrest

The War Against the Past

Here is a thing that happened in the Civil War. If you know your Civil War minutiae, it"€™ll be familiar to you, in which case I beg your pardon. I can"€™t resist a good story. A young lieutenant of the war angered his general by abandoning two artillery pieces to the enemy. The general ...

American Opossum


My sniveling apologies to the residents of Northern Virginia. Let's hope that will stop Robert E. Lee's spinning in his grave ...

Quarterly Potpourri

The disappearing middle. A study out of Oxford University, written up on Slate.com, says that 47 percent of US jobs are “at risk” of being automated in the next 20 years. The Slate guy says we have to Fix The Schools so that everyone is still employable. In the leftist mind ...

Where the Money Goes

Government is the biggest business there is, and getting bigger all the ...