Alright, you win. Reading all these blogs, I can"t avoid the subject of fist-pumping Heavy Metal any longer. A metaller since the tender age of 13 (coincidence?), I"ve been worshipping the gods of rock"n"roll even longer. But, don"t worry, that doesn"t stop me from being a ...
Apart from "rogue" politicians like Geert Wilders, Europeans leaders seem only willing to speak of the problem of dismal birth rates in the Old World by resorting to euphemism and wishful thinking. Faced with its disastrous postcolonial migration policies, the guilt-ridden establishment is ...
Fidel Castro received a warm welcome in Moscow, and finally left alone with Nikita Khrushchev, ripped off his wig, detached his beard, and collapsed, “I can’t do this anymore…” “You must, Fedya, you must!” Jokes like this circulated in abundance in the USSR. ...
Despite sharing much in the way of popular culture and language, Canadians like to establish their identity as explicitly distinct from their powerful neighbor to the south. And they often do so according to a collection of "Us > Them" stereotypes, all which contain small kernels of truth: ...