Richard Lawrence Poe

Richard Lawrence Poe

Hitchens: Enemy of My Enemies?

The now-infamous confrontation between Hitchens and Father Rutler at Manhattan's Union League Club on May 1 reveals a deadly weakness in the conservative movement. It shows how carelessly and reflexively we have fallen into the habit of treating our enemies as friends, and our friends as enemies. ...

Hitchens”€™ Haj

Hitchens rejects the Soviet or "€œStalinist"€ model (as do virtually all leftists today), and proposes instead that we fashion our enlightened "€œsecular"€ state after the example of... Moorish Spain. Hitchens praises the Muslim warlords who conquered Spain in AD 711 and ruled it for ...

Hitchens Unhinged

Writer Christopher Hitchens has hit the jackpot. His new book, God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, has proved a runaway bestseller. Why, then, is Mr. Hitchens so angry? Eyewitnesses report that Hitchens erupted into a drunken rage at a recent promotional event for his book. After ...


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