Rev. Al Sharpton

Ideas for a Better Nation

While grazing hither and yon around the glades of the Internet, I stumbled on the Reverend Al Sharpton, who was demanding reparations for slavery. He was against slavery, I divined, and wanted money. I could hardly blame him, as I too want money. In truth, I confess that in the past I have ...

Mudgeon at the Bat

The curious affair of Fred Mudgeon began in 2015 when he, age 67 and largely blind, walked onto the field of the Washington Miquetoasts, the capital's football team, and announced that he wanted to try out for quarterback. If ever there was an unlikely prospect for an NFL quarterback, it was Fred ...

U.S. Department of Defense

Pay Attention and Think Fast

I recently found in The American Conservative a piece called "€œ40 Years of the "€˜Fighter Mafia,"€™"€ this mafia being a subset of the "€œMilitary Reformers"€ who have insisted for many years that weaponry used by the Pentagon "€œdoesn"€™t work"€ because it is too complex. ...

F22 Raptor

An Inside Look at the Defense Industry

In early 2035, the thirty-fourth year of the war against al-Qaeda, the Pentagon issued a White Paper saying that the F22 Raptor, the front-line fighter plane of the United States, was nearing the end of its useful life and needed to be replaced. Not everyone agreed. Various budget-cutting ...

Social Oncology, Race, and the Legacy Media

“It’s Just a Lump. It Will Probably Go Away.” I think I will don a loincloth, stop bathing, and ascend a mountain where I will gibber, drool, and perhaps castrate myself and wait to go to Hale-Bopp. This is a patriotic plan. I don"€™t want to distance myself too much from my ...

Bowe Bergdahl

Deserting the Beast

It is so easy to gull the pack, the herd. It just takes a bit of theater. A brass band on the Fourth of July, flags whipping in the wind, young soldiers marching down Main Street, rhythmic thump-thump-thump of boots. There comes that glorious sense of common purpose, the adrenal thrill of ...