There’s a Pill for That

Aldous Huxley's 1932 dystopian novel Brave New World depicts an ideal pleasure drug, a hangover-free tranquilizer called soma that the totalitarian government freely distributed daily. The opiate-like drug dulled the senses and, happily for the government, pacified the masses. Everybody loved soma ...

The Gay Solution to Urban Blight

Since the 1950s a multitude of solutions to revitalize decaying inner cities have come and gone. If anything, matters have grown worse"€”brave souls should visit Detroit, Cleveland, Gary, East St. Louis, Memphis, and countless others to see for themselves. The repertoire of solutions appears ...

How to Wean the Dependent

Can the millions of Americans now accustomed to food stamps, subsidized housing, and free school lunches be weaned from this dependency? In principle the answer is "€œyes"€ and the cost would be minimal; in practice the answer is "€œno"€ given that the solution is anathema to America's ...

The Care and Breeding of Docile Students

The American people have increasingly become docile and reliant on government largess. I see a parallel between this burgeoning dependency and the breeding of dachshunds.  The dachshund was bred as a killing machine to burrow and eradicate badgers, rabbits and, in the United States, prairie dogs. ...

How Bimbos Saved the American Republic

Another American election has come and gone, this one noteworthy for its complete absence of candidates from America's richest, most famous family dynasties. As far as I can tell, names with an Old Money, Social Register flavor"€”Rockefellers, Mellons, Fords, Astors, Vanderbilts, Morgans, Amours, ...

Reducing Hate by Restoring Tolerance

Though I cannot demonstrate it statistically, I believe the US is inching toward coercive, state-directed thought control. On such "€œcontroversial"€ topics as immigration and race, it is increasingly risky to say anything that violates the reigning PC orthodoxy. Forget about even associating ...

Swine Control

Whatever one's views on today's Middle Eastern regimes, we can all agree that violent rioting is not a system of governance. But how can raucous street demonstrations be prevented from deteriorating into endless anarchy? The existing methods of suppression are clearly insufficient. Deadly force ...

Slimming Down the System

Conservatives have long waged a seemingly futile campaign to slim down the federal government. Even "€œconservative"€ presidents such as George W. Bush fed the monster. But do not despair. Uncle Sam can be put on a diet. You can"€™t eliminate bloated government, but you can at least mitigate ...

Harnessing Feminist Energy

America's energy policy is in shambles. Current green solutions of solar and wind power, like tidal and geothermal power before them, have proved inadequate. We have lots of coal, but it's too dirty. The promise of nuclear fusion and breeder reactors remains only a promise. Clearly, America needs a ...

Ralph Macchio in the Karate Kid, 1984.

Deterring Bullies: The “€œKarate Kid”€ Program

The Obama Administration has declared war on school bullies. The Department of Education recently issued guidelines to prevent what Secretary Arne Duncan called bullying's devastating impact on schools. Conferences have been called, grants awarded, at least eight other federal departments have ...