It’s poetry in motion and now she’s making love to me. The spheres are in commotion, The elements in harmony. She blinded me with science! "Thomas Dolby, "She Blinded Me With Science," 1982 It was one of those headlines that automatically gets a Drudge link: "Wealthy ...
. . . That's when she told me a story About free milk and a cow. She said, "No hug-ee, no kiss-ee, Until I get a wedding vow." ""Keep Your Hands to Yourself," The Georgia Satellites, 1986 Laura Gallier, who runs a Texas-based abstinence education program, was dumbfounded by ...
Just in case you hadn"t noticed, ladies, you are being oppressed, exploited, abused, beaten, enslaved, murdered and raped. This evil is being perpetrated by the patriarchy, and Barack Obama is part of it. Oh, also Dolce & Gabbana, Levis, Wrangler, Jimmy Choo, BMW, Corona beer, and Captain ...
She calls herself "Melissa Beech," and if we take her thumbnail biography at face value, she's a college senior, living in Philadelphia"and living in lavish style, thanks to her wealthy boyfriend. A successful media professional, he pays her rent, showers her with gifts, and takes her ...