Battle Flag No, Festivus Yes!

My old friend Rod Dreher recently opined on that it was inappropriate for Gov. Huckabee to claim he was defending the Confederate flag—in an attempt to outflank John McCain, who flip-flopped on the issue ...

Climate of Fear

So, one more winter season is kaput, the best snow conditions in 50 years gone the way of all things. Like the song says, referring to a girl, every time I say goodbye to the Alps, or to the Med six months later, I die a ...

Contra Gottfried: Out Now!

With all due respect, Paul Gottfried just doesn’t get it—we are way past salvaging what is left of our “honor” when it comes to the invasion and conquest of Iraq. And, really—Kemal Ataturk! ...

Ron Paul Rising

They scoffed at Ron Paul’s poll numbers—six months before a single vote was cast. Now he’s at 7.4 percent [.pdf file] in the latest New Hampshire poll. He’s in fourth place, he’s got $5.3 ...

The Anti-Reagan-Revolution Revolution

In 1980, when the U.S. economy was last in serious trouble, Ronald Reagan offered the correct diagnoses that government was the problem and not the solution.  His message resonated with voters, propelling him into the ...

He’s Baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

He’s baaaaaaaaaaaaack!: “Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has offered Wolfowitz, a prime architect of the Iraq War, a position as chairman of the International Security Advisory Board, a prestigious State ...

European Parliament - Strasbourg, France

A Populist Moment?

The Europarliament itself is a waste of space, and no sensible person pays any attention to what happens ...

Litvinenko Revisionism, Revisited

Why pick up the latest John LeCarre novel, when the Litvinenko murder mystery is making headlines? A rare radioactive substance poisons a self-styled Russian “dissident”—was it murder? A smuggling ...

Are the Humanities Useful?

Stanley Fish is a strange bird. After spending most of his career wrecking the humanities programs at eminent schools like Duke—with results that are visible, in the form of the unhinged ideologues on the faculty who ...

Arise Sweet Destiny: Go Ron!

"€œDr. Paul is the only candidate I know of who would have signed the Constitution of the United States had he been there.I"€™m with him because he seems to be the only candidate who actually believes it has as much ...

Distant Drums at Sarah’s Party

ST. PAUL, Minn.—The American Right has just died and gone to heaven. Wednesday night’s convention address by Sarah Palin here in St. Paul has confirmed the bold decision of John McCain to choose the Alaska ...

Christmas in Palestine

An Israeli soldier tackles a Palestinian protester dressed as Santa Claus or Father Christmas during at a protest against Israel’s separation barrier in the village of Umm Salamunah near the biblical West Bank town of ...

Vatican Intensfies Response to Security Threats

In response to security concerns arising from recent Al-Qaeda threats to the person of the Holy Father, and equally to the alarming news that the number of Moslems worldwide has just exceeded (for the first time) the number ...

A New Roman Visits the Old

Arriving in Rome, I didn’t suffer from culture but sticker shock. Streets jammed with pedestrians menaced by whizzing cars and importuned by panhandlers, where dogs are more common than kids, and most people ...

Just Asking …

Rudy Giuliani’s poll numbers have been plunging ever since David “The Commissar” Frum and a platoon of neocons joined his campaign as top advisors—is this a case of cause and effect? Just asking ...

Hating Ron Paul: Nazis Join the Anti-Paul Popular Front

According to The New Republic, and the Reason/Cato crowd, Ron Paul is a racist whose makes explicit appeals to white supremacist and anti-Semitic audiences through the use of “code words,” and, if he isn’t ...

Poddy and Rudy

The Pod Man is appointed “senior foreign policy advisor” to Benito Giuliani, but rumor has it that Poddy accepted the appointment only on the condition that he be allowed to push the button when the first ...

Even more loose ends

It seems that I may have to use my rights as a senior blogger to respond to some of the critics of my recently posted remarks on RP. The aforesaid commentary was written several weeks ago and therefore the figures cited for ...

Anti-Establishment Huckabee

John McCain is the presumptive Republican nominee. There is only one minor problem"€”many activists and voters in the Republican Party don"€™t quite seem to believe it and aren"€™t going to acknowledge it until they ...

Bloomberg: Hope for America

Kudos to Justin for giving us the heads-up about the potential Bloomberg acquisition of the bankrupt enterprise called the U.S.A. However, given the prospect that the race might come down to Clinton vs. McCain (or anyone ...

Revving It Up for Rudy

Over at the Goldberg Review, they’re revving up the motors to convince “conservatives” that Rudy the Reckless is The One. We should have known this, and, indeed, Paul Gottfried was clued in early. Now ...

The Huckabee Horror

What does it say about Governor Huckabee that, in answer to a question about what he would do to improve American education, he answered “I’d unleash weapons of mass instruction”? Why talk about a benign ...

Paul Pulverizes Giuliani

The Ron Paul campaign has faced its first test in Iowa. Score: B-minus. The hope was that he could break out with 15 percent, but 10 percent ain’t bad. What’s good—and what saves him from getting a ...

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