Freddie and Fannie”€”Too Big to Bail

One amusing aspect of the New York Times's coverage of the government takeovers of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae is that throughout the Gray Lady's 2000-word lead essay, it's never once mentioned that the two lending ...

The Steamroller Gets Busted

“The Steamroller,” as he liked to call himself, sure rolled over the poor prostitute—petite and only 105 pounds—in Washington D.C. I do not suffer from Schadenfreude, but in Spitzer’s case, I ...

Don”€™t Get Too Comfortable …

Irans says it’s safe from US attack—but if I were them, I wouldn’t count on it ... “In the scenario concocted by Cheney’s strategists, Washington’s first step would be to convince Israel ...

Systemic Failure

As the U.S. financial crisis broadens and deepens, wiping out the wealth and savings of tens of millions, destroying hopes and dreams, it is hard not to see in all of this history’s verdict upon this generation. We ...

All Hail Alaska!

Look who’s leading in Alaska! The state’s caucus is held in early February. Perhaps by then the Huckabee bubble—or is that boil?—should have ...

It Takes A Liberal

Sadly, it takes a liberal—Matt Yglesias, one of the most consistently interesting lefty-liberal bloggers, over at The Atlantic now—to diagnose the repulsive symptoms of a sold-out GOP in its ...

The Lobby Strikes Back

During Nixon’s historic trip to China in 1972, his interpreter and I, free for a few hours, conscripted a driver to take us on a tour of Beijing. Somewhere in my files are photos from that day we toured the grim city ...

And the Drumbeat Goes On …

The drumbeat for going easy on the two AIPAC lobbyists caught committing espionage on behalf of A Certain Country gets louder as the trial date—January 14—approaches. The latest: a piece in the War Street ...

From Here to Mendacity

Via Matt Yglesias, Paul Krugman’s got that right: “Even now, it's better for your reputation not to have noticed until, say, 2005 that we had some dangerous people running the country. If you noticed earlier ...

Israel Needs to Make the First Move

“And so the blood-drenched cycle begins again, each side convinced that it has no option but to make the other suffer.” This from a London Daily Telegraph >editorial. What my favorite London paper did not write ...

Ron Paul: Dissent in the Land of the Neocons

The last remnants of authentic conservatism over at National Review are struggling mightily against the Neocon takeover of that time-honored institution: when the Frumkin published his attack on antiwar conservatives and ...

Better to Blow Out One Candle than Curse the Light

While none of my blood is (sadly) Italian, my arrival in Rome was the closest experience to a homecoming I think I shall ever have. I expect that feelings will stir as I visit the island, Unije, from which my grandfather ...

Paul Cleans Huckabee’s Clock

The highlight of the GOP presidential debate, held in New Hampshire, and broadcast on Faux Fox News, was this exchange between Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee (Hat tip: PAUL: “Going into Iraq and ...


I don't recall any of these fiascos leading to an uptick in the production of pink slips. That's not the government ...

Iowa GOP Debate: It’s All About Foreign Policy

More on the Iowa follies: On Barack Obama’s plan to bomb and/or invade Pakistan: Giuliani is in favor, of course. Is there any crazed foreign policy “option” he wouldn’t take? Romney doesn’t ...

Fault Lines of the World Order

For a few fleeting, horrifying moments this past week the fault lines that underlie the global economic crisis erupted into plain view. With deft and quick effort leaders in Washington, Europe, and Asia papered over the ...

AIG Bonuses Are a Ruse

There have been many different takes on the controversy over the stimulus money going toward AIG bonuses, everything from the general public not understanding corporate payment structures, to politicians knowing full-well ...

The Bloomberg Is Off the Rose

Over at, the heroic Glenn Greenwald has the goods on the Bloomberg-for-President hot air balloon, which is now being pumped up by all kinds of “centrist” (i.e. unprincipled) politicians and the ...

Ideological Diversity and its Discontents

Alright, alright, enough already with the Hamburger Question, let’s get down the Really Important Things, i.e. mentions of me on the Internets. This is the Writer’s Vice of the cybernetic age: self-Googling, ...

Paul-blogging (I)

The exclusion of Ron Paul by Fox News has created what can only be called an anti-Fox backlash: as a direct result of Fox’s high-handed methods, Ron’s been invited back for his second appearance on the Jay Leno ...

Al Qaeda’s Toddlers

To hear the neocons tell it, we’re “winning” in Iraq, and here is the face of “victory”: <object style=“width: 100%” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” ...

Iowa GOP Debate: The Specter of Cheney

Video question on the role of the Vice President. Should there be a constitutional amendment on the role of the VP? McCain: Jokes about the role of the VP being to ask, daily, about the health of the Prez. “There is ...

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