Taki TV – Is Secession Crazy?

When Texas Governor Rick Perry suggested his state had the right to secede from the union, liberals laughed at the mere suggestion. But secession not only has deep American roots, but is no “crazier” than ...

Taki TV – Affirmative Action GOP

How Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s awful Republican rebuttal to President Obama’s speech before Congress represents a wrongheaded and ill-fated GOP strategy of minority and gender identity ...

Taki TV – End of an Error

Under Bush, the conservative movement became what it is"€“a mere tool of the Republican Party. What conservatism has the Bush era produced? Exploding government, enhanced state power, reckless spending, increased federal ...

Taki TV – David Brooks Conservatism

David Brooks thinks that the GOP is in decline because it embraced Sarah Palin—and it has nothing to do what so ever with that Iraq War ...

Taki TV – Obama and Cheney Make Us Less Safe

In the ongoing debate between President Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney on torture, former CIA terrorism expert Michael Scheuer points out how both leaders’ refusal to address U.S. interventionism as the ...

Taki TV – States”€™ Rights and the Left

When a number of states passed state sovereignty resolutions recently, though these measures came from right-wing resistance to Obama’s statism, the Left would do well to take ...

Taki TV – The Young Americans for Liberty

Young Americans for Liberty is the continuation of the Students for Ron Paul organization which had established chapters nationwide during the election. While many if not most American youth remain sympathetic to Obama, ...

Taki TV – If the Shoe Fits

When an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at President George W. Bush during a press conference in Baghdad recently, pundits everywhere had fun replaying the footage, commenting on the president's quick reflexes and some ...

Taki TV – Separation of Church and Hate

Last week a federal judge decided that South Carolina's plans to issue a cross featuring a cross and the words "€œI believe"€ amounted to government sponsorship of religion. If consistent, this judge will now spend her ...

Taki TV – Obama’s Tribalism

Those who cheer for Obama now are essentially cheering for nothing, as those who bash Obama are essentially bashing nothing. Obama has done nothing. But like a team mascot, a Mohawk haircut or the Cross, Obama the symbol ...

Taki TV – Neocons “™¥ Hillary

Neoconservatives afraid that a President Obama might even partially live up his promise to remove troops from Iraq have been warming up to the new administration and hedging their bets where they can. The sort of Republican ...

Taki TV – High Infidelity

In the wake of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford’s infidelity scandal, it is worth noting that rampant adultery amongst politicians still poses less danger than their ...

Taki TV – “€œJust Say No”€ to Government

When South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford was attacked by Republican state leaders for not accepting federal stimulus dollars, it was worth pointing out the utter uselessness of GOP politicians who refuse to follow through on ...

Taki TV – Lindsey Graham Republicans

When Lindsey Graham denounced Ron Paul-style libertarianism and advocated for George W. Bush-style neoconservatism during a speech at the South Carolina Republican Convention, it was worth pointing out that Graham’s ...

Taki TV – The Illiberal Media

How the media coverage by MSNBC pundits Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow of the Tax Day “tea party” protests were blatant displays of liberal, elitist media bias and outlined the partisan nature of cable ...

Taki TV – Rush’s Style Over Substance

Rush Limbaugh’s speech at CPAC 2009 was indicative of where the conservative movement and the Republican Party finds itself after eight years of defending Bush - high on style, low on substance and clueless as to they ...

Taki TV – Republican Re-alignment?

When House Republicans unanimously voted against President Obama’s $800 billion stimulus package, was this the beginning of a conservative rebirth for the ...

Taki TV – A New Year’s Revolution

I have never liked New Year's Eve. Americans might have voted for "€œchange"€ recently, but I"€™ve rarely desired it, always finding the same-old, same-old to be as bright or brighter than any new horizons. As a ...

Taki TV – Kanye West Hates White People

If New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd believes Rep. Joe Wilson is racist for criticizing a black president, then rapper Kanye West must also be racist for humiliating Taylor Swift at the 2009 MTV Music ...

Taki TV – Still Southern Avenging

An explanation of how I got my moniker and why the true “Southern Strategy” of states’ rights and secession is still the best solution for a better, American ...

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