Tee Time
The 2020s have been a lousy decade in many ways. For example, tomorrow is the third anniversary of the “racial reckoning”: How’s that working out anyway? But at least the Covid years have been good for the game of golf, ...
The 2020s have been a lousy decade in many ways. For example, tomorrow is the third anniversary of the “racial reckoning”: How’s that working out anyway? But at least the Covid years have been good for the game of golf, ...
My friends (and one or two foes) have informed me that my past few columns have been downers. “Can’t you do something a little lighter?” they ask. “Also, what’s your take on the WGA strike?” Happy to oblige, ...
Hell, wrote Jean-Paul Sartre, is other people; in which case purgatory must be other people’s taste. Every time I feel my misanthropy flagging, I go down to the local bric-a-brac warehouse, grandly called an antiques center, ...
Any parent will tell you that forcing children to eat their spinach is no way to win a household popularity contest. Children don't care about the long-term benefits of eating healthy food when the alternative is the ...
Extremists have got to learn to take half a loaf. Just like the cheap labor-demanding GOP donors, pro-lifers need to be told: You can't get everything you want. If Republicans give you this, they'll lose their jobs, and the ...
We've heard a lot lately about how Republicans don't care about dead kids -- just keep your hands off their guns! The bullhorn insurrection staged by Tennessee legislators, for example, was justified on the grounds that they ...
Earth Day is Saturday! Hooray? "Saving humanity from the climate crisis," says EarthDay.org, requires us to "push away from the dirty fossil fuel economy." Sounds logical. "Allowing billions of the world's poor to live a ...
Christians and Jews have had their Holy Week; now it’s my turn. Ten years ago, April 20, 2013, I was “outed” as David Cole. April 20, as you likely know, is a loaded date—the birthday of a terrible, terrible ...
The third week of April, as always, sees two of the most significant red-letter days of the year—National McDonald’s Day, on 15 April, and the birthday of Adolf Hitler, on 20 April. As usual, I celebrated by heading toward ...
About thirty years ago I attended a presentation by an executive at a vast snack and beverage company. She announced that her firm’s goal was to have their delicious sugary and salty products within arm’s reach of every ...
These days, everybody—by which I mean every person who considers himself intelligent and educated—must have an opinion about everything. It would be socially irresponsible, even antisocial, not to be able to opine on each ...
That tranny genocide is something, huh? It’s like the Yakov Smirnoff of genocides: “In Trannyland, genocide victims kill you!” In light of last week’s Christian school massacre, I wanna revisit something I wrote a ...
GSTAAD—Tom Sizemore, the American character actor who recently died broke and homeless at 61, was a hell of a thespian. In films such as Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, and Heat, he played tough soldiers and gangsters ...
Occasionally, big media institutions still do valuable reporting. As you’ll recall, the prestige press humiliated themselves back in January when the story first broke about how five black Memphis policemen beat a black ...