The Errors of Modernism

Father Munkelt is a New York City-based priest who is as intelligent and well-read as anyone I’ve known, and he wrote most of this essay for Takimag under my byline. (Journalists are expert cheaters and plagiarizers, but when it comes to a man of God, I cannot speak with forked tongue.) I asked the good father why the Catholic Church is in such turmoil and about the sex scandal. Since the end of the classical pagan world, the Catholic Church has been the most important and formative institution of Western civilization, according to Father Munkelt. Yet it is now the most vilified, and hardly ...

Coming Home

Today in Rome I approached the throne of St. Peter and for the first time entered the Basilica built on his bones. I was blessed to make this visit not as a tourist or art student ...

Race, Nationalism, and Patriotism, Part III: Patriotism

At long last, we arrive at the end of the line, having examined first race and then nationalism.  I’d like to thank once again all those who have taken part in these ...

Race, Nationalism, and Patriotism, Part II: Nationalism

As we continue this series on race, nationalism, and patriotism, I’d like to note that the discussion on Part I: Race has been more subdued and thoughtful than similar ...

Mimeographing His Fake Punches

From the moment that The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs first appeared, I’ve been a fan.  With his skewering of Silicon Valley culture and his incisive, yet still humorous ...

The Gospel of Hope

Considering certain recent discussions on this website, readers might find the release today of Pope Benedict XVI’s second encyclical, Spe salvi, of some interest. In ...

A Meditation for Guy Fawkes Day

This Web site is non-sectarian, and I’m glad. However, as some of the discussion threads have exploded into a veritable 30 Years War, I have asked the editors for this ...

Sometimes a Hamburger Is Just a Hamburger

Justin confesses that he is “perplexed by this paleocon jihad against McDonald's, Walmart, and other commercial venues.”  He shouldn’t be.  He admits ...

Nationalizing the Fast Food Business

My friend Justin Raimondo is the best of the paleolibertarians, but he occasionally suffers from Restless Leg Syndrome.  At least, I assume that’s what’s ...

You Deserve a Break Today

Left undistorted by government, our libertarian friends tell us, the market will always work out to the advantage of all.  Those of us who express doubts are routinely ...

Hugo, Danny, and Saddam

Reading Paul Weyrich’s article today on Hugo Chavez’s crackdown on the Venezuelan media, and our “free” media’s reaction to it, brought to mind an ...

A Subsistence Existence

Last week, the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) released a remarkable little document that could prove nearly as important as the motu proprio ...

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