Dear Delphi, I am really upset. I am a 9th-grade boy and I just started boarding school this fall. I play lacrosse, I think I am cute enough, but not one girl has even looked in ...
As temperatures drop, the nights grow longer, and America careens toward another round of elections, it's hard to believe it was only two years ago that Barack Obama had cobbled ...
A cinematic development I hadn"t expected is Oliver Stone evolving into a director who makes movies that are fair, responsible, and forgettable. His sequel Wall Street: Money ...
An international shouting match is underway over the fate of the city everyone loves but no one wants to live in: Venice. It started back in 2008, after Venice ran out of cash to ...
When news of Tyler Clementi’s suicide broke last month, it outraged all the “right” people for most of the wrong reasons. Reeling with humiliation after falling ...
The guests were singing maudlin folksongs trying to drown out the TV's noxious noises. Live Aid had been going on apparently forever and would go on for weary hours more, and even ...
"In the Bengal Club at Calcutta they don"t allow dogs or Indians, but in the Yacht Club at Bombay, they don"t mind dogs; it's only Indians they don"t ...
The left isn"t good at many things, but they are Iron Chefs at the art of being embarrassing. They are so skilled at it, they take it beyond cringe into actual "douche ...
Philadelphia's City Hall is a towering masonry masterpiece, an ornate and stately 548-foot-tall architectural wedding cake in a town not known for its beauty. However, as anyone ...
"The only unnatural sex act is that which you cannot perform." "Alfred Kinsey, Indiana University "Our criteria for consent…are conscious, coherent, and ...
In the Internet Age, an increasing fraction of media "content" is generated by young nobodies, much to the disgust of old pros, such as screenwriter Aaron Sorkin of TV's ...
Plus, Neruda's life gets the operatic treatment, a docu exposes Springsteen's creativity, and a politician rocks ...
Albert Einstein's damning-if-quirky verdict on Marie Curie's character was that she "has the soul of a herring." I am reminded of his words every time I hear yet another ...
Something called the Clinton Global Initiative has been brought to my attention by an AP dispatch dated September 21st entitled “Bill Clinton: Economy, disasters imperil ...
France's recent "Burqa Ban" has provoked all the global indignation and murderous outrage one would have expected. Pointed observations on the irony of a liberal democracy ...
In case you haven’t caught any of the buzz about the movie, or seen Steve Sailer’s review, Waiting for Superman is a 2-hour documentary deploring the state of our ...