Ron Paul and Pius IX

I wrote here once before about the repartee that keeps the snarks flying between me and my beloved lady Texan. I noted that each of us treasures his own impossible dream. In mine, ...

For Christ or Kin

Restoring Christendom is not a panacea for the ills of the modern world, though paleoconservatives"€™ labors to preserve respect for the sacred, for faith in God, and for the ...

Pius XII: Sourcing the Slanders

The whole horror of National Socialism is not concentrated in its nationalism, but in the combination of these two sterile and anti-human ideologies. Ironically enough, ...

Bowe Bergdahl

Deserting the Beast

It is so easy to gull the pack, the herd. It just takes a bit of theater. A brass band on the Fourth of July, flags whipping in the wind, young soldiers marching down Main Street, ...

Exit the President

NEW YORK"€”Stop saying dystopian. The next person who uses this word gets a Billy Jack leg whop to the right side of his face. Donald Trump is not dystopian. There's nothing ...

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