When thuggishness damaged the appeal of the National Basketball Association around the turn of the century, the executive leadership eventually took successful steps to rein it ...
With Alex Jones on a moany-moan “goodbye cruel world” tour, I thought I’d devote a couple of columns to that carbuncle on the ass of the internet as he faces the potential ...
I have recently been scribbling elsewhere about the complete non-topics of “racist gardening” and (sigh) “multihorticulturalism,” subjects that suddenly sprouted back into ...
If the Nigerian writer Ken Saro-Wiwa had not been hanged on charges trumped up by the brutal military and kleptocratic regime of General Sani Abacha, in 1995, himself to die in ...
Because I’ve been on the road promoting my anthology Noticing, I decided to review Tucker Carlson’s anthology of his journalism, The Long Slide. Unlike with me, writing an ...
With the recent 80th-anniversary celebrations of D-Day, it seems an appropriate time for us all to ask ourselves, when will World War III begin? As soon as 18 June, apparently. So ...
Alain Delon says that modern culture is “hideous.” Yet there is constant talk of “progress.” Progress is often defined in modern terms as the absence of authority. Yet ...
This week’s column will start self-indulgently and then brilliantly segue into something of greater import. Or so I’m telling myself as I down the rum. Last week a Twitter ...
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, said Juliet, but the legislature of Illinois does not agree. It believes that the word “offender” should now be replaced by the ...
I did not think I could hate The New York Times more. But thanks to Gregory Mantell's amazing new book, Special Victim Status, The Era of Woke Journalism, I do! Mantell's ...
In 2017 the pseudonymous blogger Spotted Toad appears to have coined the term “The Great Awokening” to denote the decade of identity politics mania that began about 2013. His ...
As I mentioned last week, I took a Substack poll regarding my readers’ preferred topics, and the top vote-getters were “scolding idiot rightists” and “musing about ...
Last month saw the thirtieth anniversary of the death of one of my favorite conservative thinkers, Russell Kirk, back in April 1994. Very possibly Kirk enjoyed the process of ...
It is a commonplace that the West is in decline, and that nothing can now save its bacon. It is addicted to consuming more than it produces, a situation that can continue only for ...
Have you heard about the "bee-pocalypse?" My new video explains. Honeybees are dying! It's another environmental crisis we're supposed to worry about. The media call it ...
Until recently, I would have guessed I’d never get to do an old-fashioned book tour in my lifetime. After all, I didn’t make a single public appearance in more than a decade, ...