“They had found a leader, Robert E. Lee—and what a leader! ... No military leader since Napoleon has aroused such enthusiastic devotion among troops as did Lee when he ...
On Christmas Eve, an eminently smackable-looking self-described "actual communist" crouched down, grabbed his ankles, and shat the following Tweet upon planet Earth: All ...
Last Saturday, at Gallery 151 in New York, photographer Lucian Wintrich put on a pro-Trump art show entitled "Daddy Will Save Us." I was one of the featured artists and ...
On Saturday night, my boys and I were watching the Mets defeat the Minnesota Twins at Citifield in Queens. It was a typically patriotic event that opened with "The ...
The most feral and violent contingent of anti-Trump protestors appears to consist of unabashed Mexican supremacists falsely accusing Trump of being a white supremacist. They are ...
The city of San Francisco has become a notoriously unaffordable place to live. Two-bedroom apartments in San Francisco currently average $4,126 per month, up from $1,840 in 2009. ...
Apparently, Mormons have a pathological hatred of Polynesians. Who knew? I certainly didn"t, until last week's perfunctory "look how racist those white devils are" ...
While no superpower threatens America today like the Soviet Union did in the past, a new enemy does threaten us"Islamic jihad. Consequently, an American foreign policy must be ...
The trouble with vandalism is that it is fun, especially for people of modest accomplishment. The urge to destroy, said Bakunin, Marx's anarchist contemporary, is also a ...
If you ever need to be reminded how superior the West is, just hop in a taxi. The drivers come from anywhere-but-here and pretty much all of them are ambassadors of suck. The days ...
The attack in France will likely empower fringe groups like the Front National and UKIP, but I don"t care about skinheads, even when they"re right. I don"t even care ...
One stumbles across such interesting things on the Internet. For example, while browsing the Guardian newspaper's website today I alighted on a short video by the Slovenian ...
“America is on trial,” said Rev. Al Sharpton from the pulpit of Greater St Mark’s Family Church in Ferguson, Missouri. At issue, the shooting death of Michael ...
I awoke this morning to the creaking sound of the Western mind closing shut. I felt it squeezing in on me like a car crusher. Public discourse is more controlled and political ...
In 2014, the business model for journalism (so-called) is as follows: manufacture some perceived outrage and let the delicious page views and ad revenues flow forth. The Atlantic, ...
Coming up as I did a Southern boy, usually barefoot, lots of times with a cane pole and a string of bream I caught in Machodoc Creek, and other signs of higher civilization, I ...