German Teen’s Plagiarism: Not Just A “€˜Mash-Up”€™

For those unaware, the literary world is currently aflutter over a scandal involving yet another freshman novelist accused of plagiarism.  Helene Hegemann, daughter of famed ...

Beggars at the Feast

When A Moveable Feast was published in 1964, I had been living in Paris for six years. I was 27 and in love with Papa Hemingway’s favorite city, one that he described as “a ...

The Unconscious of a Libertarian

Under Discussion: The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts, Wayne Allyn Root, Wiley (2009), 400 pages.  ...

The Commissar of “€œGrit”€

You Shall Love Your Country"€”By Order of the State! If searching for a personification of everything that is wrong with modern American conservatism, Tony Blankley might be ...

The Neocon Lyre

What a Rich Pyre!, by Russell Setiz Being a poem in the style of “Under Which Lyre?” WH Auden’s adieu to WWII, which Norman Podhoretz ought to have read before ...

Remembering the Great Fitzgerald

Having sat on a boat for the last five weeks, I’ve had plenty of time to reflect, and reflect I did. Getting old tends to make one look back, nostaligize for that green ...

Summer Reading

Although this all too brief commentary cannot do full justice to the three works that recently arrived in my mail, it should provide useful information about each of them. The ...

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