October 18, 2014
Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry
WASPs were instantly recognizable by their dress, their mid-Atlantic accents (called Park Avenue lockjaw by some), and by their smell, Bay Rum. The latter was to be found in all country club locker rooms such as the Bath & Tennis in Palm Beach or the Westchester Country Club. WASPs owned family houses they had inherited, and the more ramshackle the house, the older the family. There were no McMansions, as these new monstrosities are called, although Newport families did go a bit overboard with their “cottages.”
WASPs paid their taxes and served in the armed forces and avoided publicity and the world thought of America as a kind of Norman Rockwell country, which, alas, it wasn’t. Still, it was a paradise compared to other places, and slowly people from other places kept coming and coming and coming, and in 1965 Ted Kennedy pushed a law though Congress that disqualified white Europeans and enabled people from Africa and the Caribbean.
Well, one can see and hear the results just by walking around even the chicest part of Manhattan. Half of Africa seems to be here, and definitely the majority of Central America. Race is all politically correct pundits talk about, and although more than 70 percent of black Americans are born outside of marriage, the old days are the bad old days and people like me who yearn for them are racists and secret Ku Klux Klanners. Now we even have Ebola in our midst, so the next thing our political leaders will do is have more Liberians immigrate over here.