The August issue of Quest magazine, a New York glossy, featured one Vincent Astor on its cover. Were he still around, Astor would not have been pleased, because the cover story by David Patrick Columbia was not exactly flattering. Nor was it a hatchet job, however, something I regretted because Astor was not a nice man. Snubbing those born less rich and less posh is something no real aristocrat does—plutocrats, perhaps, but not real aristos. Astor was known for his rudeness toward those he deemed beneath him, and that included guests of his. He was a bully and a snob, neither being aristocratic trends, characteristics probably inherited by his German ancestor who began as a butcher. Here I will take a parenthesis that deals with my own Astor story. Forty or so years ago, in the green ...
Okay, kids, Kamala was a joke, a punch line, but suddenly she isn’t, and by a long shot to boot. We no longer have an old stuttering gaga making a fool of himself in the White House, but a new Jeanne d’Arc, defender of America, capitalism, socialism, blacks, Jews, Eskimos, even Palestinians. ...
The good old USA may have some terrible handicaps like its left-wing female media types (those hatchet-faced, man-hating, Nazi-like maniacs give me the creeps), but with the Atlantic on one side and the Pacific on the other, plus two rather feeble neighbors north and south, people sleep easy, ...
A recent find in Indonesia confirmed that 700,000 years ago humans stood just over three feet tall, around the same height of Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, and the late Princess Margaret, sister of the late Queen Elizabeth II. The discovery confirmed that our ancestors were not built to play pro basketball in the NBA, nor up front when competing in volleyball. These tiny types lived as late as 50,000 years ago and were even ...
Okay, sports fans, what was more shocking, the self-described “fat, Jewish, queer lesbian” portraying our Lord Jesus at the repulsive drag-act mockery of the Last Supper at the opening of the Olympics, or the fact that the Israelis have now surpassed the 40,000 dead in Gaza number—mostly women and children—and their leader, the murdering gangster called Netanyahu, is invited to address and given a nonstop standing ...
I am writing this from the birthplace of (selective) democracy 2,500 years ago, the Athenians having the noose to limit voting rights to intelligent men capable of distinguishing between what is true and what is false. They were very wise, those Athenians; they even elected leaders by drawing lots, because they knew all about human nature, and that the politician who accepts power reluctantly and uses it sparingly is only to be ...
Michael Mailer, son of the great novelist Norman Mailer, is a Harvard grad, a liberal, and an outstanding amateur boxer who advanced further in the Golden Gloves competition than any other Harvard wimp ever has or ever will, for that matter. Michael is a talented film director and producer who has numerous movies under his belt and is at present working nonstop when not arguing with yours truly about politics. He’s also my ...
Gee whiz, how soon they forget, and how the headlines change quicker than a pole dancer’s favors from a sucker tossing twenty-dollar bills to the one with the C-notes. I am referring to last week’s captions about Biden’s mumbling and rambling, the creepy whispering, the misnomers and forgetfulness, the whole hullabaloo that had nothing to do with Biden being unable to perform his duties, but whether he was able to beat ...
On the Fourth of July last week I celebrated the world’s most exclusive club, Pugs, with my fellow members at a London venue. I had crossed over the Atlantic the day before and missed the fireworks that commemorate the most important revolution to date. 248 years ago the colonists had had enough and declared themselves free from British rule. But you know all that, although there are still lots of half-wits in America who ...
I met two out of the three women I’ve most admired, and who lived during my lifetime, the one I never encountered having recently passed away. Margaret Thatcher (and her husband, Sir Dennis) stayed with me in Gstaad, the alpine Swiss village that used to be a paradise before Russian and Arab nouveaux riches discovered it. Lady T, as we and her staff called her, was as kind and friendly to everyone who approached her as she ...
Ooh là là, there’s an election about to take place in the land of cheese and everyone’s commenting about it as if North Korea suddenly decided to go democratic. French elections are like the cancan: always the same, with high kicks and hopes for smaller parties ending like the dance, doing splits on the floor and the usual suspects back in power. Tensions were intensified after the attack and rape of a 12-year-old Jewish ...
I feel like Diogenes, the Ancient Greek who walked about sunny Athens with a lamp looking for an honest man. And I have found one in Nigel Farage, certainly the last politician who always tells the truth. What I find truly shocking is those who oppose him, the Rothermere press, for example, whose financial dealings with the British government remind me of Pravda with the Soviet Politburo. "Farage is the first and last honest ...
Speaking with a friend who is Jewish—arguing, rather—I reminded him that protesting against the death of innocents is hardly anti-Semitic. He agreed. And yet the death of 37,000 Palestinian noncombatants that have produced nonstop protests in Europe and in the United States are described as anti-Semitic by mostly conservative commentators. The argument with my friend flared up again until I came up with the following: Had ...
Winning at all costs is a double-edged conundrum, especially where sport is concerned. Both my father and uncle were track stars who represented Greece during the Chariots of Fire period. Fair play back then was more important than winning. I was brought up that way, although it was hard to comply at times, especially when facing opponents whose style I can charitably only describe as all-out. My racket was tennis, a supposedly ...
He’s physically repellent but writes quite elegantly, from the left, needless to say. He recently took a swipe at us dumb Christians for believing, he being Jewish and referring to our Lord Jesus as a crucified rabbi. Adam Gopnik is his name, and his reference to Jesus Christ was just a name-drop while reviewing some books on liberalism: “Try publishing an anti-communist book in China or a critique of theocracy in Iran,” ...
Never mind the cesspool of toxic masculinity in the Vatican, London’s gentlemen’s clubs, and the Greek monasteries of Mount Athos. This is far worse, an insult to all women, especially lesbians, an institutional blackmail that threatens American democracy and unmarried women the world over. Here’s the lowdown: During a commencement speech at Benedictine College, a Catholic school in Kansas, a professional football player ...