September 15, 2011
Ron Paul
This story started on August 24th outside the Chicken Bone Saloon, a fried-chicken shop in Framingham, Massachusetts. Obama Onyango, or “Uncle Omar” as he is referred to in the president’s autobiography, was driving erratically and forced a police cruiser to slam on its brakes. None too pleased about the near-miss, a policeman gave 67-year-old Uncle Omar a breath test. He registered twice the legal limit of alcohol in his system. That got him a free ride to the station house.
Going through the booking paperwork, the arresting officer routinely asked Uncle Omar whether he wanted to make any phone calls. “I think I will call the White House,” replied the arrestee—whether in jest or in earnest we are not told.
Further enquiries turned up the fact that Uncle Omar is an illegal immigrant. He had come to the USA on a non-immigrant visa in 1963. When the visa expired, he just stayed. He acquired a Social Security card and driver’s license (which was very easily done back then: I did it myself). An immigration judge ordered him deported in 1989. Uncle Omar appealed but lost his appeal in 1992. A new deportation order was issued. Uncle Omar ignored it. Meanwhile, the IRS had filed a lien against him for $4,000 in unpaid taxes in 1990. I don’t know how that was resolved. Uncle Omar got a job behind the counter in a liquor store. There were a couple of small infractions—selling liquor to minors. Otherwise he pretty much kept his nose clean.
Local law enforcement held Uncle Omar on an immigration detainer, as they are obliged to do. He spent two weeks in the Plymouth County lockup. On September 8 he was released. He is now…where?
Those who know aren’t telling. He should be in ICE custody, having ignored that deportation order. The ICE website, however, has no record of him as a detainee. Boston.com reported on Friday that:
In Framingham, the people who shared a modest frame house with Obama on a residential street said they did not know where he was. A co-worker at Conti Liquors, where Obama worked, said they had not heard of his release.
With his savings from that job at the liquor store, Uncle Omar should at least have no trouble paying the fees of the elite firm of immigration attorneys he’s engaged. No more than his sister Zeituni Onyango did when her case came to light just before the 2008 election. Aunt Zeituni’s deportation order had been issued in 2004. She’d ignored it, just as Uncle Omar ignored his, and went on blithely living in taxpayer-funded public housing in Boston. Then, finding herself in the newspapers, Aunt Zeituni got lawyered up—by an astonishing coincidence, engaging that very same firm of attorneys!—and was granted asylum in 2010 on the grounds that if deported to Kenya she would suffer persecution, as the other 8,000 known members of the president’s extended family all have.
Uncle Omar, wherever he is, is home and dry. As ICE-insider blogger Federale has reported: The fix is in.
This is presidential-grade corruption. This whole business stinks to high heaven. It stinks so badly, even Congresscritters are complaining. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas asked a pertinent question: “Why should citizens and legal immigrants be threatened by drunk driving illegal immigrants when the administration can deport them?” Rep. Steve King of Iowa groused: “It appears there is a double standard—one for President Obama’s family and one for everyone else.” Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown opined that “in a fair world” Uncle Omar would be on a plane back to Nairobi.
Ah, Senator, this world is anything but fair. The righteous perish while the wicked prosper in their wickedness.
Let’s take what comfort we can, though. We still have our freedoms and vigilant libertarians such as Ron Paul and his followers to guard them. There will be no border fence to keep us in!
Should Uncle Omar find the attentions of the Congressfolk too oppressive, or should those $500-plus-per-hour legal fees prove to be more than his liquor-store wages can support, he will be able to make a run for Mexico’s safety and security without hindrance from the federal authorities.