March 22, 2016

Source: Bigstock

The ThinkProgress writer approvingly quotes a Canadian campaigner”€””€œThese products are an essential part of a normal, public life for”€ (get this) “€œpeople with periods”€”€”then adds:

Low-income women in the U.S. are sometimes forced to resort to desperate measures, like using old rags, because government assistance programs like SNAP don”€™t offer financial assistance to help them purchase tampons or pads.

“€œOld rags”€: The “€œback-alley abortions”€ of the 21st century? Weirdly, plenty of “€œlow-income women“€ somehow manage to pay for hair extensions, cigarettes, elaborate manicures, and regular excursions to “€œda club”€ out of those welfare checks.

But don”€™t think this “€œgovernment is my husband”€ attitude is restricted to the left. Here’s a chick who works at National Review praising the White House for

working with diaper companies to help lower the cost of diapers overall (like removing expensive graphics) and enroll individuals & other non-profits in programs to help distribute bulk diapers at a discounted rate to women who may not be able to get them elsewhere. Because many poor families live in rural areas or don”€™t have access to the Internet, it can be hard for them to get diapers in bulk at a lower cost as it is for others.

Clearly, America needs a Tennessee Valley Girl Project to get Pampers and maxi pads to these primitive “€œrural areas,”€ which I now envision as flooded with blood clots and baby poop.

For obvious biological reasons, women are particularly focused on effluvia. Luckily, I”€™m too old to have a personal investment in the price of sundry absorbent accessories. But I really hate me some taxes. Wouldn”€™t a “€œBoston Tampon Party”€ protest be hysterical? 

Yeah, no. These women (and too many men) aren”€™t interested in revolution. Sure, that’s depressing, but at least spring is here, and the days are getting, er, lighter.


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