May 03, 2016

Lena Dunham

Lena Dunham

Source: Bigstock

Speaking of butch-looking chicks: I”€™m always calling trannies “€œfuture suicides,”€ but I can”€™t decide whether or not Bruce Jenner should be placed in that category. I will predict, however, that some highish-profile gender bender will kill itself by New Year’s Eve, simply because that’s what they do.

On that topic, can you guess who this is?

In many cases, transsexuals “€œsurgically mutilate their own bodies”€ in order to conform to a gender role that is inexorably tied to physical body parts. She concluded that “€œfeminists are right to feel uncomfortable about the need for and uses of transsexualism.”€ The article concluded (…): “€œIf the shoe doesn”€™t fit, must we change the foot?”€

If you said Gloria Steinem, it’s possible you remember that because you”€™re almost as old as she is, which is pretty darned old.

She wrote that in 1977, back when she still made a lot of sense, frankly. When Steinem does die, the inevitable retrospectives will accidentally expose those aforementioned millennials to a self-described “€œradical feminist”€ who also wasn”€™t a hideous, spitting, lobotomized freak. A glance around your average university campus confirms that such edification couldn”€™t come at a more urgent time. And the woman is 81. Again: Just sayin”€™…

Compare Steinem with today’s Voice of a Generation, Lena Dunham, and even the stodgiest right-winger surely feels a twinge of nostalgia for the era of coke spoon necklaces and macramé wall hangings. And I”€™ve said for some time that I don”€™t think Dunham is…entirely well. I”€™m not a participant in a celebrity death pool, but if I were, she”€™d be on my list.

Glenn Beck wouldn”€™t, but I”€™d also be remiss in failing to point out that late last week, he shoved his face into a bowl of Cheetos. On the air.

Look, I”€™m just reporting the news.

But in conclusion, can I just say:

Fidel Castro. Neil Young. David Suzuki.

Now let’s sit back and wait.


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