May 17, 2016

Source: Bigstock

Now, if having a “€œMagic Boyfriend“€ on the Internet were a career ender, Glenn Greenwald would be teaching at a second-rate j-school. But that doesn”€™t make it any less borderline crazy.

And when I Googled “€œScott Adams”€ to write this column, the resulting highly placed Wikipedia link displayed a “€œControversies”€ subsection”€”which no longer appears in the entry itself.

Employing the crude instrumentation of the Wayback Machine, I determined that this subsection“€”which referenced Adam’s sockpuppetry”€”was wiped from Wikipedia sometime between Dec. 14, 2015, and Jan. 9, 2016.

All of which adds up to, arguably, not very much. It’s just funny to me that it’s come to this: One of the most engaging (if not necessarily accurate) contemporary political analysts is a guy most famous for drawing crude cartoons about broken photocopiers in a previous century. And somebody out there wants to erase evidence of some of his “€œcontroversies.”€

Of course, this comes at the same time that the next president might very well be a real estate mogul and reality TV star, two job titles that, you can”€™t help but notice, have the undeniably powerful”€”nay, persuasive”€”word “€œreal”€ in them.

Great. Now I”€™m doing it.


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