Does one American in a thousand know that the Federal government is buying 23 VIP helicopters, each one of which will cost more than the extravagantly expensive F-22 fighter aircraft? A half-billion dollar helicopter—a half billion dollars each! — to ferry political hacks to their ...
AFRICOM, the new Dept. of Defense initiative for that continent, represents a God-sent opportunity for both our major political parties to find new worlds to conquer. The GOP, being a subsidiary of Big Oil, is fairly licking its chops at West African ...
One feature of Mr. Greenspan's memoirs that has caused Beltway politicos to contract a case of the vapors is his statement that the invasion of Iraq was "largely about oil." In only one day, he issued one of Washington's usual non-denial denials that trips itself up in its own ...
No regime, no matter how theoretically hostile, can afford to drink its oil. One cannot emphasize too many times the hypocrisy of the "protecting-the-flow-of-oil" cant coming from the mouths of theoretical conservatives. On the one hand, we must endure their panegyrics about the limitless blessings ...
Much has been written about the military industrial complex: its obscene cost overruns; the corrupt relations between the uniformed military, the contractors, and Congress; the wild threat inflation. Too little studied has been the role of ostensibly non-partisan think tanks as the semi-official ...