Why does the establishment think that whenever something is amiss anywhere in the world, we need to scramble jets and fly in to fix it? There's a girl in Sudan who can't get treatment for a cut on her finger -- but they will treat the boy! Fire up the missiles! Naivete + hubris is a bad combination, like ignoring the label and mixing toilet drain cleaner and bleach. "But who cares about our country? Let's get back to Afghanistan!" For a thoughtful defense of Team America: World's Policeman, we turn to the journal of consensus liberal opinion, The Atlantic. Peter Wehner, a George W. Bush ...
The universal panning of President Biden's decision to finally leave Afghanistan is the mirror image of the one time the media loved Trump. Remember that joyous occasion? It was when he bombed Syria ...
In October 2001, a few hours after the American military landed in Afghanistan to avenge the terrorist attacks that had emanated from that country one month prior, a young British officer softly ...