It must be a shock to police officers busting up campus protests to be cheered, rather than jeered, as they have been since the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, a decade ago -- a completely justified shooting, according to President Obama's Justice Department. The anti-Israel demonstrators seem kind of surprised, too. They thought they were going to get the BLM treatment. I don't know how many times we have to go over this, but you're not black, Palestinians. No offense! Nor are gays or illegals or Jews or womyn, etc. There are different rules for black people, some ...
Race sentimentalism is a favorite topic of mine. Having attended majority-black L.A. public schools in the 1980s, and having lived the best years of my life while doing so, I myself am prone to ...
El Salvador president Nayib Bukele was reelected with almost 85 percent of the vote following his massive crackdown on gangs that saw the Central American republic’s official murder rate plummet to ...