There’s been a lot of talk among neoconservatives lately about some frightful subjects: nationalism, populism, and nativism. It’s been a touching spectacle, the air so thick with virtue that one can barely breathe, and we can only hope that the day will finally come when this group’s characteristic moralism, neuroticism, and effeminacy will be synonymous with American exceptionalism itself. Consider the splendid David Frum, for example. In his recent debate on populism with Steve Bannon, the former Bush speechwriter and longtime advocate for democracy by war was profoundly disturbed ...
“He ended one war and kept us out of any other,” is the tribute paid President Eisenhower. Ike ended the Korean conflict in 1953, refused to intervene to save the French at Dien Bien Phu ...
As I waited at the polling booth last Tuesday to vote, I thought about who would run this country if the GOP took back both houses of Congress. In all likelihood it would be the neoconservatives with ...
Sure, we should all give "two (very qualified) cheers" for Irving Kristol (1920-2009), the tireless writer, political eminence grise, and longtime editor at Commentary, ...
Browsing through Norman Podhoretz's latest book, Why Are Jews Liberals? (read non-neocon leftists), I was struck by a series of misleading facts starting around page 224. ...
It seems David Frum's "axis-of-evil" has been replaced with a new enemy - the "axis-of-the-expendable," or populist talk radio, once his greatest media ally but ...
“Real men go to Tehran!” brayed the neoconservatives, after the success of their propaganda campaign to have America march on Baghdad and into an unnecessary war that ...
As Charles Stuart is reported to have said when he returned to England after decades of exile, to restore the British monarchy and reign as Charles II after the Cromwell ...
For all the yammering by talk-radio nitwits and GOP chicken hawks about "supporting the troops," it's quite ironic that these same pundits and politicians have had little ...
In the frantic post-election scramble for a plausible narrative of How Things Went So Wrong, we see the outlines of the future battle for what’s left of the conservative ...
No politician except for those wishing to retire immediately will risk the wrath of the Israel ...
Self-proclaimed conservatives and the entire "conservative movement" have had their minds or arms twisted to vote for a leftist who is "good" on Israel and foreign ...