A correspondent who knows precisely the type of things that I habitually complain about (and without such complaint I would have nothing to say) kindly drew my attention to the proposed Obama Center in Chicago. The Center is completely mad, the madness in question being an attack of megalomania that makes the Pyramid of Cheops seem like a statement of modesty by the pharaoh. The vast proposed building is in Jackson Park, and it was the subject of legal actions because a group called Protect Our Parks believed that it was contrary to the covenant governing the park’s usage: but, perhaps ...
All my life, said Voltaire, I have had but one prayer: “O Lord, make my enemies look ridiculous. And God granted it.” In awarding the Nobel Prize for Peace to Barack Obama, the Nobel ...
The announcement that Barack Obama had been awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace took many people by surprise. Note that Obama was given this award on February 1, 2009, eleven days after he had acceded ...
When former president Jimmy Carter criticized the treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli government in his 2006 book Palestine Peace Not Apartheid, he was immediately denounced ...
As a conservative I have little use for Obama's politics, but as an American and more specifically a Southerner, I think I can understand the excitement, particularly in the black ...
Those who cheer for Obama now are essentially cheering for nothing, as those who bash Obama are essentially bashing nothing. Obama has done nothing. But like a team mascot, a ...
When I point out to my conservative friends that in terms of federal spending and exploding deficits, Reagan’s limited government rhetoric didn’t always match reality, ...
To watch the contortions over that New Yorker cover cartoon of the Obamas is to understand whom it is impermissible to offend in the America of 2008. The cartoon is a ...